Example sentences of "for more [conj] [art] " in BNC.

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31 It has been in accelerating decline for more than a decade , but the crunch is fast approaching .
32 Even the biggest stars rarely sell 6m copies ( as Janet must do if Virgin is to make a profit ) for more than a couple of records .
33 For more than a year , the Poles have been engaged in a brave , almost quixotic attempt to transform a moribund command economy into a lively free market , and they are now suffering the growing pains of a capitalism devoid of capital .
34 Needless to say , the sight of such impressive architecture stimulates me , and I begin to contemplate on how rail travel has been a source of artistic inspiration to passengers for more than a century .
35 Fred Clasper may have moved on to a new fighting ground but he , and men like him , left behind their destructive trade-mark on Britain for more than a decade .
36 They always came in for more than a little if they had offended him in the past .
37 She remembered how she had n't been allowed to hold him for more than a moment before he had to go back behind the bars of his crib .
38 A movie version of Morrison 's life has been in the works for more than a decade , with male stars from John Travolta to Jason Donovan coveting the lead role and a string of scriptwriters , directors and producers slated for involvement at different times .
39 And if some did , the answer was No — or Not for more than a week .
40 Although Frankie had been dozing , he was too hungry to sleep for more than a few minutes at a time .
41 At Rome there had been some disagreement and even contention for more than a century on the possibility of restoration for believers who committed adultery , murder , or apostasy ( participation in idolatrous rites ) .
42 Though the campaign scarcely gripped the imagination as the victories in the west had done — some reports hinted that the significance of the campaign had not been properly grasped , and that the victories had been unable to affect the popular mood for more than a very short time — it seemed to provide yet another example of Hitler 's strategic genius .
43 Yet it is very hard to believe that this sort of explanation can account for more than a handful of hoards , if any .
44 As I said in an earlier chapter , the principle of speaking is not to go on for more than a few minutes without getting your audience to do something — applaud or laugh or raise their hands .
45 Nicaragua was an American obsession and a dream , a proving-ground for ideology , and had been so for more than a century .
46 For more than a year — ever since her début album became a worldwide number one — she had fiercely resisted every pressure to capitalise on her phenomenal record sales with a series of live stage shows .
47 Thereafter , and for more than a generation , Germany was the stage on which the rival powers played out their conflicts .
48 Twelve of their heads were impaled on the Charles Bridge pour encourager les autres and remained there for more than a decade .
49 The government 's North Sea oil take is depressed at present but will be on a rising trend as production begins to rise again to its 1985 peak and could account for more than a third of public spending .
50 The Russian plan , probably inspired by the offer of £200,000 from British conservation groups to buy Brightness and his beluga comrade , Gorgeous , who is still free , prompted a furious reaction from British campaigners who fought for more than a month to have the beluga airlifted from Turkish waters to the Arctic .
51 This is the most upbeat I have been for more than a year . ’
52 Over-50s are excluded from the two groups to whom resources are directed : 18-to-24 year olds who have been unemployed for at least six months ; and 25-to-50 year olds unemployed for more than a year .
53 The SNP needs a swing of nearly 9 per cent but the polls show the Nationalists gaining ground in Scotland and Labour and the Liberals — who accounted for more than a quarter of the vote in Galloway last time — are likely to be squeezed .
54 Interest rates will stay high , and while the pound remains in thrall to the mark , there is no scope for more than a token cut .
55 Although it has been grown here for more than a century , the low-growing variety A. dioicus Kneiffii is , surprisingly , less well known .
56 His appointment is part of the most radical restructuring of Whitehall for more than a decade , with the creation of two new ministerial posts .
57 For more than a week , a group of grey-suited former communists has played with the nation 's future with an irresponsibility and spite that would be risible were it not so dangerous .
58 While early agreement in principle on the agency is likely , the actual launching of the agency may run into the same difficulties that have beset the European Environment Agency — this has been stalled for more than a year in an acrimonious ‘ who-gets-what ’ dispute over the sharing-out of the prestige , finance and jobs that flow from ‘ hosting ’ EC institutions .
59 By the early 1980s air pollution had been a dead issue for more than a decade .
60 We will legislate to bring into use dwellings left empty without reasonable cause for more than a year .
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