Example sentences of "for it [verb] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The predominant over-view in this Department was that Television held a special kind of mystique ; that writing and producing drama for it demanded special levels of skill which were to be somewhere between the scopes of the Theatre and the Cinema .
2 The longer that the muon sticks to the helium , the less time is left for it to catalyse further fusions .
3 For it to do this , it must have some long-term effect .
4 There is a tendency for it to sound scrappy and undernourished , and intonation is variable , too .
5 So I had opened the shutters on what is called complementary medicine with a slightly heavy heart for it seemed such an indictment of our present specialized , technological society when all medicine must simply be ‘ healing . ’
6 At one time , estate agents were entering sufficient lots for it to hold 100 sales a year in the City or in the New Connaught Rooms .
7 There was no need for it to re-cover old ground .
8 Bob Collicutt acknowledges that he is presiding over a mature , commodity business with limited growth opportunities , but sees the free-standing role as an opportunity for it to remain profitable in the longer term .
9 As a result , an alumina implant can shield the surrounding bone from the stresses generated by normal activity , and the bone loses the stimulation which is necessary for it to remain healthy .
10 In order for it to remain competitive , jobs had to be shed .
11 It was this loco that regularly worked the 17.09 two coach local from Chesterfield to Sheffield in 1962 , and after school it was customary to go down to the station and wait for it to arrive light engine .
12 The orange tree is particularly interesting for it produces three different-smelling essences with differing therapeutic properties : neroli ( blossom ) , petit-grain ( leaves ) and orange ( rind ) .
13 In January 1989 the human rights organization Amnesty International urged the government to investigate numerous killings of trade union leaders and called for it to take immediate action over the suspected participation of police and members of the judiciary in harassment of and death threats against peasant leaders .
14 ‘ We could n't afford for it to go wrong .
15 I felt my face go red , as red as it was physically possible for it to go red , and a surge of hate and rage and fear swept through me from nerve ending to brain cell to nerve ending .
16 However , the company 's spec calls for it to support six to eight P5s which it says should be capable of 250 transactions a second .
17 It must have been reassuringly familiar to him for it had many of the characteristics of the stone-built villages of the West Riding .
18 It is important to remember the liturgical context of these meditations for it supplies other expressed structures of meaning only latent within them but crucial to their full impact .
19 Having pledged its support for the environment and the poor , there is mounting pressure for it to institutionalize some safeguards .
20 Then for it slit 2 was irrelevant ; we could momentarily have closed it up .
21 The educative process has to begin sufficiently early in a person 's life for it to have any real effect on attitudes , and I believe the challenge has to have the response of both parents and schools .
22 Moreover , whatever the course adopted , it would have to receive the blessing of Germany 's traditional enemy , France , for it to have any chance of success .
23 Been waiting for it to get better every week and it
24 It is not possible for those who are weak to apply this soul force for it makes great demands on those who would use it .
25 The only difference then was the weather for it turned cold and hard , the clouds massing thick above us as if the sky intended to fall and crush out all life on the face of the earth .
26 Catching on to the coat tails of the downsizing rush just in time , CA said that it was surprised by the demands from its users for it to develop migratory and Unix-based applications — a far cry it admits from its traditional stronghold in the mainframe market .
27 This underscores the need for it to provide more than musical training for its members .
28 Genette speaks of this change in emphasis as a restoration of equilibrium in literary studies : ‘ Literature had long enough been regarded as a message without a code for it to become necessary to regard it for a time as a code without a message ( 1982 : 7 ) .
29 We were n't enclosed long enough for it to become worrying and I got a real adrenaline rush when at one point one side of the passage was replaced by empty space leading to a huge open chamber .
30 Some European legislation , e.g. directives , requires further legislative or administrative action by the authorities of member states for it to become effective .
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