Example sentences of "for the day of " in BNC.

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1 Start planning your celebration for the day of the last measuring session — the day after tomorrow .
2 Do not grieve the Holy Spirit with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption .
3 ‘ DISAPPEARED ’ people around the world may not know it yet , but 28 of them were recently ‘ twinned ’ with British celebrities as part of the publicity for the Day of the ‘ Disappeared ’ , held on 18 July at The Garage , Kings Road , London .
4 And so , for example , a small National Socialist shop was opened in Park Street , Bristol , from which one or two members of the League sold rubber truncheons and daggers , as if arming a great revolutionary force for the day of democracy 's overthrow .
5 It was the first meeting in nine years — for the day of my father 's funeral does n't really count .
6 Verses 1–6 , offerings for the Feast of Trumpets ; 7–11 , for the Day of Atonement ; 12–38 , for the Feast of Booths .
7 Ephesians 4:30 tells us that the Spirit seals us in preparation for the day of redemption : the ‘ already ’ and the ‘ not yet ’ are united in that phrase To speak of a ‘ firstfruits ’ inevitably takes one 's eyes to the ‘ not yet ’ ( and this is made explicit in Romans 8:23 ) .
8 The feasting for the day of Christ 's resurrection painted bright patches of colour on the faces of the men ; their voices rose , their limbs spread , they called out compliments on the food to the women who made it ; Davide 's uncle praised Nunzia to her father , singling out her good humour , comparing it favourably to his own wife 's melancholy , to which she in her turn , hearing herself commented upon , tossed her head , and set her jaw .
9 Therefore taking the data for the day of issue , the market price was 310p and the subscription price was 255p .
10 pickled souls for the Day of Judgement ?
11 He said it like I had aisle seats for the Day of Judgement .
12 ‘ Their foot shall slide in due time : for the day of their calamity is at hand , and the things that shall come upon them make haste . ’
13 It will be your responsibility to organise any rehearsals scheduled for the day of the performance , making sure that teams know what time their slot is and that they keep to it .
14 It 's well worth preparing a meal and a few snacks for the day of the move .
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