Example sentences of "for the night [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Many entertainments are planned for the night including a charity auction , games and a tombola .
2 When the fire was out the hut grew cold and the two boys settled down for the night under their blankets .
3 Then , closing all , the chains of the bridge rattled evenly through their pulleys , and Parfois withdrew for the night into its impregnable walls .
4 Many old people in particular find it impossible to retire for the night without washing up and leaving everything tidy .
5 Rebecque , in Braine-le-Comte , had news both from the Prussians and from Dornberg in Mons. The French had advanced north from Charleroi , but had turned eastwards to attack Blücher and had halted for the night at a village called Fleurus .
6 We were riding back to Stratford in the spring of 1613 and stopped for the night at the Crown Inn in Oxford .
7 We crossed into Germany and stopped for the night at a service station between Speyer and Karlsruhe .
8 The journey took only two nights and a day ; previously it had always taken three days , since the train stopped for the night at Dire Dawa and the Awash Station .
9 Through the Sound of Grunay , ever threading through a procession of rock islets and on to the northernmost island of Unst , where we tied up for the night at the little pier in Baltasound .
10 The local police kindly agreed to come in on the act and a few off-duty policemen pretended to stalk the burglars and locked them up for the night at a disused police station at Ironbridge !
11 The Queen 's Hotel also offer accommodation for the night at a special rate of £10 per person sharing a twin-bedded room with bathroom and including English Breakfast and V.A.T.
12 Finally that evening the engine pulled into Maidstone where they disembarked , and were put up for the night at the local barracks of the Royal West Kents .
13 You should see them — they were ringing the Castle round when I came away , and making themselves fires for the night on Cnoc na Lude across the Tilt .
14 We only broke for the night on the promise of a further meeting next day together with social security officials .
15 On the evening of Saturday , 31st May , the Covenanters halted for the night on the land of Harelaw , near Loudoun Hill .
16 Others , their duties finished , were settling down for the night on their pallets in front of the fires .
17 Consequently Paige 's nerves were stretched as tight as a drum by the time they stopped for the night on the banks of one of the streams they had waded through .
18 His withdrawal was unobtrusive , but it was of great import , for he was off to launch his ‘ Operation Rubicon ’ ; the long-awaited coup was scheduled for the night of 1–2 December .
19 Further to my telephone conversation with you this morning , I wish to reserve 4 single rooms with facilities ( at £85 each including VAT and Service , but excluding breakfast ) for the night of Thursday 15 June .
20 These raids were planned for the night of 14 December .
21 For the Bristol , Cardiff and London venues Happy Sleeper motels are offering rooms for the night of the concert and breakfast the next morning , at all-inclusive prices .
22 Ms Jones , in answer to Mr Snoops letter requesting accommodation in room 214 for the night of 1 April , writes confirming the reservation of that particular room .
23 ‘ So , your alibi for the night of the murder was a false one ? ’
24 But her own perspective was different : Durance had told Joseph that Leary was living nearby but Joseph had done nothing about contacting his old friend until he needed an alibi for the night of the murder .
25 But in between Benjamin Titford was offering beds for the night to paying guests . ’
26 Mr Snoops arrives at the Hotel Bograte on 1 April and demands to stay in room 214 , which has already been let for the night to Mr and Mrs Bunn .
27 Any bar or disco which exceeds its permitted decibel limit can be shut down on the spot for the night by police .
28 ‘ Tired by a long and laborious day 's walk under a burning sun , I frequently encamped for the night by the side of a river , a natural pond , or a water-hole , and before retiring to rest not unfrequently stretched my weary body on the river 's bank ; while thus reposing , the surface of the water was often disturbed by the little concentric circles formed by the Ornithorhynchus [ duck-billed platypus ] , or perhaps an Echnidna [ anteater ] came trotting up towards me .
29 It is now getting dark as we settle for the night in the German slit trenches and I share a trench with three French Commandos .
30 When the rest of the crowd turned out at closing time and headed for the Floral Gardens with their carry-outs , Tich bedded down for the night in the public lavatory on the other side of the railway bridge .
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