Example sentences of "for the [adj] in " in BNC.

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1 NGOS governments and humanitarian assistance for the uprooted in Southern Africa
2 Father Kleinsorge went to fetch water for the wounded in a bottle and a teapot he had borrowed .
3 Archibald Geikie somehow learnt the manual alphabet , and there being no school for the deaf in Edinburgh at that time ( Braidwood 's Academy had moved to Hackney in 1783 ) , undertook the teaching of his son himself .
4 Monsignore de Haerne had previously already founded Catholic institutions for the deaf in Belgium , France and Portugal and was later to found one in India .
5 The founding , and the success , of the first five adult organisations for the deaf in Britain at Glasgow , Edinburgh , London ( St. Saviours ) , Manchester and Leeds prompted many deaf people in other parts of the country to seek the same sort of opportunities for themselves .
6 Hitherto , provision of adult deaf organisations had largely been confined to church services and other pastoral services , but in 1871 , a most important step was taken with the founding of Glasgow Deaf and Dumb Football Club , the first sports dub for the deaf in this country .
7 Momentous things were also happening socially in the North-West of England following the highly successful venture by the local society in the opening of the first social club for the deaf in the country in 1878 at Manchester .
8 In 1879 Pearce , the Owen cousins , and the Rev. Samuel Smith of St. Saviour 's Church for the Deaf in London got together and established the Winchester Diocesan Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission .
9 On occasion , however , Alexandra would sometimes get her way and drag the Prince to services at the church she favoured , St. Saviour 's Church for the Deaf in Oxford Street , where she could enjoy being in the company of other deaf people , and be able to follow the services , as she was a fluent fingerspeller .
10 He lived for most of the time at his family seat at Laxton Hall , Northamptonshire , with his wife and only daughter , and frequented St. Saviour 's Church for the Deaf in London .
11 Bromhead had been educated at the private school for the deaf in Rugby and was a fluent writer and reader of German , French and Latin .
12 On 9th June 1911 , Leo Bonn founded the National Bureau for Promoting the General Welfare of the Deaf , a cumbersome title which was quite sensibly reconstructed as the National Institute for the Deaf in 1924 .
13 Some schools , like the Northern Counties School for the Deaf in Newcastle , had a Cadet Corps movement before they changed to scouting .
14 Using a series of specially devised tests of production and comprehension it was possible to identify a pattern of sign language learning among social workers for the deaf in the UK which is different from that for second language learning .
15 Simultaneous combination of signs and speech usually confirms the dominance of the spoken language and its predominance as the target for the deaf in hearing society .
16 For example , the Abbe de l'Epee , founder of the first public school for the deaf in Paris in 1755 , was a manualist , while Samuel Heinicke , founder in 1778 of the first school in Germany of a similar type , was an oralist .
17 The principal other addresses were given by the eminent sons of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet : the Rev Thomas Gallaudet ( 1822–1902 ) , founder of the first American Church for the Deaf in New York and co-founder of the Gallaudet Homes for the Aged Deaf and Dumb ; and Edward Miner Gallaudet ( 1837–1917 ) , founder president and first head of Gallaudet College .
18 He received his education at Donaldson 's School for the Deaf in Edinburgh and stayed on in the capacity of pupil-teacher as the only deaf member of staff .
19 He surfaced upon the deaf scene as a young teacher in Donaldson 's School for the Deaf in Edinburgh .
20 Ten years later , in 1935 , the year of McDougall 's retirement another attempt at explanation was made in that year 's annual report : In view of the fact that there appears to be a feeling in some quarters that the British Deaf and Dumb Association has outlived its usefulness the executive committee desires to make the position clear by the following statement : The British Deaf and Dumb Association is the oldest National Organisation for the Deaf in the country .
21 Dr Greenaway , who died in 1984 , aged seventy-nine , was Headmaster of the Yorkshire Residential School for the Deaf in Doncaster from 1941–1965 and an educationist of world repute .
22 In 1952 " Sutcliffe was appointed Secretary to the Church of England " Council for the Deaf in succession to Canon Vernon Jones and the Rev Humphrey Ainger , who died after less than three years in office .
23 The latter , a son of a former Headmaster of The School for the Deaf in Liverpool was a world-famous consultant psychiatrist specialising in the diagnosis and treatment of deaf patients .
24 A social worker by training , his earlier career embraced social work for the deaf in Liverpool and Nottinghamshire and teaching at the North London Polytechnic , where he was tutor in charge of the course leading to a " Certificate in Deaf Studies " .
25 Formerly a teacher in the junior school of Donaldsons 's School for the Deaf in Edinburgh and a tutor to the support service for students in Further Education , her principal tasks were organising the BDA 's own education programme making and maintaining contacts with the various educational establishments for deaf students and acting as spokesperson on all educational matters .
26 Educated , like Lilian Lawson , at Donaldson 's School and the Mary Hare Grammar School , Irene qualified as a teacher and taught for some years at the Northern Counties School for the Deaf in Newcastle-upon-Tyne before joining the staff of the BDA in 1981 .
27 Back home , the former Stokesley Schoolgirl is now doing voluntary work with autistic children at Beverley School for the Deaf in Middlesbrough , before going to Chester College in the autumn to study history and religion .
28 HAVING recently seen cricket being played by disabled persons in New Zealand , I am establishing a cricket association for the disabled in Somerset .
29 Fund-raisers collected £393 for Finchale Training College for the Disabled in Durham at their recent Flag Day in Darlington .
30 He pointed out that under the proposals an extra 42 places would be reserved for the disabled in Abbot 's Yard , near High Row and Skinnergate .
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