Example sentences of "for no good [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 You will require much more to attain a good flavour and will therefore be raising your fat consumption for no good reason .
2 The essence of the court 's answer was that ‘ It is not in the public interest that people should try to cause or should cause each other actual bodily harm for no good reason . ’
3 The translation from an ordinary barrister to the prestigious — and much more lucrative — title of Queen 's Counsel , ‘ taking silk ’ , is , for no good reason also administered by the Lord Chancellor 's department , rather than by the profession itself , which further consolidates the relationship .
4 And if national sentiment in the other , France , was initially a response to the threat from England , just as it was in Scotland , there was no doubt of France 's position by the end of the fifteenth century ; the dazzling army and glittering artillery train which Charles VIII led down through the length of Italy in 1494 — for no good reason other than that a young king , with a well-stuffed treasury , would naturally use his wealth to win military renown — symbolized in the most spectacular manner what this kingdom , so recently weakened by war and internal dissension , had now become .
5 We will do more to bring into use properties owned by central and local government which are standing empty for no good reason .
6 A mother insists on her small son 's going to bed at a certain time , in spite of all his protests , because she knows he needs enough sleep to keep healthy and alert ; but in his view , she is insisting that he gives up his happy play , cutting him off from the rest of the family , for no good reason .
7 You can see the parallel in real life to these experiments for those children who are frequently punished for no good reason .
8 The computer can check for towns that are missed off signs , those that appear for no good reason or appear only intermittently , to the great confusion of amateur navigators .
9 Worst of all is when , for no good reason , a teacher goes all heavy-duty on you — like last week in music .
10 The last time I camped at the Forestry Commission site at Beddgelert I recalled — for no good reason , but with an involuntary laugh — a visit with my rotund pal Brian .
11 For no good reason , that settled it , by which I mean that what conscience I had was put to sleep by sheer , raging curiosity .
12 Yer let people cry of games for no good reason , 'cept that somebody close to 'em says they ca n't , and yer tolerate bad behaviour . ’
13 Charles recalls kicking a hole in his bedroom door when he was sent to his room for no good reason .
14 It is at least disconcerting and sometimes painful to have the memories flooding back to spoil the enjoyment of success , and what could be more effective in bringing back the memories than the sight of an unknown stranger receiving an honorary degree apparently for no good reason .
15 having found themselves for no good reason sitting together : Liz and Alix discovered that both came from Yorkshire , and that neither played lacrosse , nor had ever seen it being played , and Esther joined the discussion by volunteering that she had herself managed to avoid playing netball for the past three years on the grounds that she was too small .
16 Do n't lose pawns in the game for no good reason !
17 Lily , left to her imaginings , pictured a termagant , for no good reason .
18 And as your career prospects have changed so dramatically in just a year , I 'd say your girlfriend was probably justified in feeling you left her for no good reason .
19 Ornamental , Victorine always said : planted for no good reason .
20 The investigation of firing showed that it certainly did n't help healing , causing the horse considerable distress for no good reason .
21 The messenger ambled out and for no good reason everybody stopped talking until they heard the lock click .
22 There was a moment while everybody thought about that , probably for no good reason except that they did n't like to see twenty years go by without offering up a few seconds ' respect-ful silence , then Sir Bruce asked : ‘ So she did n't go back to the GDR ? ’
23 He looked round all their sobered , pitying faces , and registered what was there to be registered , but it was not much ; nothing more than was due to any boy of sixteen , suddenly wiped out for no good reason .
24 For no good reason that I can see .
25 Commander David Carlson of the US frigate John H. Sides , which was in the Gulf at the same time as the Vincennes , wrote in the September issue of the US Naval Institute journal Proceedings that the airbus was shot down " for no good reason " and referred to " pathetic post-incident attempts to place the blame [ for the incident ] on the victims " .
26 The Court of Appeal in A-G 's Reference ( No. 6 of 1980 ) , above , said : " It is not in the public interest that people should try to cause or should cause each other actual bodily harm for no good reason .
27 This recalls the auxiliary use of need in questions , and indeed ( 46 ) and ( 47 ) above are equivalent to Why need we bother ? and Why need you make so much fuss ? , with all four sentences implying " for no good reason " ( cf. de Cornulier 1978 : 130 ) .
28 It failed because the French and the British were unhappy about supporting such a move and indeed the United Nations looked very likely er er to be more erm willing to condemn the United States than it was to condemn North Vietnam but the view of most countries in the world at that time was that North Viet that North and South Vietnam were part of the same country , that the Geneva accords in nineteen fifty four which called for unification should be upheld , and that the United States was interfering in , in a south east Asian country for no good reason .
29 Shall we just say that a checkerboard solution is unjust by definition because it treats different people differently for no good reason , and justice requires treating like cases alike ?
30 ‘ I deeply resent being dragged away from my office for no good reason that I can see .
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