Example sentences of "for some time [art] " in BNC.

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1 He was for some time a broken man .
2 If the crew are likely to be on site for some time a thought about refreshments will also be very welcome .
3 According to Alcuin the oppression of the Church by the secular power had been for some time a feature of Northumbrian political and ecclesiastical life , but the problem now was that Eanbald was said to be accompanied on his journeys through Northumbria by a retinue more numerous than any which had attended on his predecessors and inclusive of low-born soldiers , and Alcuin affected to be at a loss as to why he needed so large a force .
4 For some time a rumour had persisted that Horemheb , in his moves to clear up the corruption which had flourished like rampant weed during the years in which the city had fallen into neglect , had more than once attempted to close it ; but that the interests which protected it were still too powerful for him to dispense with .
5 The best way to start on this dis section of this discussion may be to erm express the observation that the county council and at least one of the local authorities which is Harrogate , erm are already engaged in have been engaged in for some time a very positive erm activity to try and attract to the county inward investment predicament that the economic development unit of the county council , the economic development of at of at least the one local authority that I have named and erm prospective developers such I 'm representing today , share common predicament , is that the existing structure plan constructs some obstructions , erects some obstructions to the attraction of inward investment into the county .
6 Bob Gunnell , of course , is an was and has been for some time a very supportive member of South East Arts and active in many of its committees .
7 Even without insisting on the strict claim that inference from fact to value is logically inadmissible , a claim which since Hume has been a commonplace , and after G. E. Moore 's analysis of the Naturalistic Fallacy was for some time an orthodoxy , it has been convenient to stay out of range of standard criticisms by showing that we can get along well enough without resorting to this kind of inference .
8 All three were aware that the King and Queen had , after four years of war , come to represent to their subjects all that was best in the domestic and public virtues , and that there had been current for some time an idea of presenting to them a gift as a mark of national respect , thanks and loyalty .
9 The kidnappings were a traumatic event and for some time the Gombe Stream Research Centre was closed to students .
10 Israeli leaders had recognized for some time the need for a powerful outside backer .
11 It seems that for some time the firm had been issuing such promissory notes and having them endorsed by its local bank in Bihać ( where , incidentally , the partisans held the first meeting of the Anti-Fascist Council for the Liberation of Yugoslavia ) .
12 However , for some time the cost of claims has continued to rise .
13 ‘ Its distinctive feature is the outer wall facing what was for some time the running lines of the railway , though these tracks are now wholly within the works area , the main lines passing on the other side of the canal .
14 The mistake was made even more stupid by the fact that he had known for some time the big tides were due .
15 For some time the weapons states have maintained that the peaceful trade in peaceful atoms has been for purely peaceful purposes .
16 For some time the three bodies have been working to reach agreement on practical reforms which they now want the government to include in its forthcoming White Paper on animal experiments .
17 the machinery of exchange and distribution established by recent decrees was quickly pushed aside ; and for some time the most effective instruments in extracting grain from the peasant were the ‘ iron detachments ’ of workers from towns and factories reinforced by the local committees of poor peasants .
18 For some time the soothsayer continued to warm himself , staring into the flames .
19 Yet for some time the imposition of this compromise was resisted and resented as seeming to undermine the spirit of the ritual methods .
20 With some 15,500 outlets for their business , solicitors are likely to remain for some time the principal providers of legal services even if there is considerable expansion of alternatives to the use of solicitors for some legal work ( The Law Society , 1990 ) .
21 Er , he was indeed for some time the er secretary of the er er divisional Labour party .
22 For some time the advisory plans for London , the West Midlands and the Clyde Valley sufficed , the belief being that the development plans would fill in the detail and provide working arrangements to secure the intended redistributive objectives .
23 For some time the activities of an ocean-going tug named Sea Rover , registered under the Panamanian flag and run by a Dutch captain , had been attracting the attention of British , Dutch and French customs authorities , and their movements had been monitored whenever possible at each sighting .
24 Armed at all points against the possible disappointments of her life , conscious of the responsibilities of protecting her mother and sister , worried at the gaps in her education , anxious about nuns and antique dealers , she had forgotten for some time the necessity for personal happiness .
25 For some time the Company has recognised the need for a policy to increase awareness , to deal with environmental issues and to implement systems which ensure the Company complies with all relevant legislation and manages the essential attitudinal and behavioural changes that are likely to affect its business operations .
26 For some time the technology required even for what may seem advanced types of activity at home could be fairly basic .
27 For some time the powerful International Monetary Fund ( IMF ) and its little sister , the World Bank , have promoted ‘ policy reform ’ in the Third World , particularly in Africa ; a key element is trying to reduce taxation .
28 As I have made clear , for some time the question of recognising Yugoslav republics , especially Croatia and Slovenia , has not been a matter of principle — clearly they will not be willing to go back into any entity called Yugoslavia .
29 However , for some time the two systems will run side by side .
30 Multi-disciplinary practices For some time the desirability of permitting partnerships between solicitors and other professionals ( particularly accountants ) has been the subject of intense discussion both within and without the legal profession .
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