Example sentences of "for change in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The research aims to investigate the reasons for change in attitude to the Welsh language amongst 13 to 16 year olds.An attitude survey of first , second and third year Secondary pupils in 1988 will be repeated with the same pupils in 1990 .
2 Dr Roger Williams , director of the hospital 's liver unit , last night called for change in legislation in line with American law which would oblige medical staff to approach the relatives of suitable donors for permission to transplant healthy organs .
3 Such actors , especially the university pure mathematicians , with their followers in the ATAM , and the applied mathematicians , with their industrial allies , did have considerable success in convincing school teachers of the ‘ need ’ for change in school practice , while fending off attacks ‘ from below ’ on their own curricular practices .
4 4.6 Reviewing Evidence for Change in Progress in Two Hiberno-English Vowels
5 A unique solution to a request for change in position is thus not achievable without imposing other problem constraints .
6 Consensus arises from the absence of any fundamental challenge for change in society ; individuals judge what is in their best interests within a basic framework of laws .
7 By contrast with theses ambitious aims for change in curriculum and pedagogy , research evidence consistently demonstrates that such change is difficult to achieve and sustain .
8 Knowledge of politicians ' attitudes will also contribute to an assessment of the scope for change in welfare state policies .
9 Choices for change in print
10 The pressures for change in industry come from three main areas .
11 Important though changes in people 's expectations are , the most obvious force for change in industry is technical advance .
12 This brings me , of course , to the last driving force for change in industry , which is the force of competition .
13 During 1990 the Commissioners also commenced an extensive warehousing scheme designed to replace the old quayside transit sheds and cater for changes in port users ' storage needs dictated by the new trends in cargo handling , particularly by the containerised mode .
14 The forum would now use the information to ‘ press for changes in legislation to enable more money and resources to be directed at the problem , while at the same time doing all we can to enable local people to find local solutions ’ .
15 The Irish Institute has taken bold steps to reduce the expectation gap , lobbying the government for changes in legislation that would allow implementation of several key recommendations put forward in the Ryan Report .
16 The group obtains film and photographic evidence of problem areas that is then used to press for changes in legislation .
17 In addition , the administration called for changes in court rules to permit the use of illegally seized evidence , provided that the police had acted " in good faith " in seizing it .
18 Changes in practice , in turn , call for changes in education and in the professions to ensure that the needs of society are met effectively and that standards are safeguarded for our patients and clients .
19 Local authorities were to prepare detailed land use plans for their areas against which individual planning applications for new or extended dwellings or for changes in land use were to be evaluated .
20 Dr Kristof Lis , Poland 's minister in charge of the Plenipotentiary for Changes in Ownership , is currently having to wrestle with the fact of real worker power — from the concept of actual ownership to the committees which have a large say in the running of industry .
21 It will tell the states by April 1 1991 about the shifts in their populations that call for changes in state and local constituency boundaries .
22 It talks about the role of the headteacher , and how to mount effective campaigns for changes in school policy .
23 There is an analogy between teachers ' in-service development and the mounting evidence that intervention in pupils ' careers which take place away from their school have limited value for either pupil rehabilitation or for changes in school ethos ( Topping 1983 ) .
24 The reader might also care to note a paper by Milton on the possible use of two radiometers to correct for changes in irradiation .
25 The study reviews the extent to which computers are used in the industry and the institutional responses to the need for changes in technician training .
26 Soares , as Commander-in-Chief , urged the government to respond to military pressure for changes in pay and professional career structures .
27 The method used to adjust for changes in household size and composition , known as an ‘ equivalence scale ’ , can affect results .
28 By ‘ real labour costs ’ we mean not just the real wage , but the total cost of employing labour , including the employers ' National Insurance contributions , deflated by an appropriate price index , and with an allowance being made for changes in labour productivity .
29 provide for changes in technology or the needs of industry ;
30 However , material circumstances on their own do not account fully for changes in co-residence .
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