Example sentences of "for it [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The former was escorted to safety in the North Western Hotel ; the latter ran for it into another hotel , The Stork .
2 Do you think you pay for it without any money Grace ?
3 Its hard to see that there will be much demand for it at that price , but AT&T Co has introduced a phone called Picasso Still Image Phone , which enables people that both have one to transmit television-quality colour still images over standard phone lines while still talking to each other — but it costs a cool $3,300 for one ; Picassos will be installed at 39 Marriott convention hotels under an agreement with Washington , DC-based Marriott Corp and AT&T is looking into co-operating on image technology with Eastman Kodak Co — the phone , designed mainly for advertising , design and photography agencies , will work with the Kodak 's Photo CD system .
4 Men are in voluntarily unemployed if , in the event of a small rise in the price of wage-goods relatively to the money-wage , both the aggregate supply of labour willing to work for the current money-wage and the aggregate demand for it at that wage would be greater than the existing volume of employment .
5 so , erm I mean think we 're in their hands and that 's why I was a bit apprehensive about doing publicity for it at such an early stage because I like to see i 's dotted and t 's crossed er but however I 'll chase them up again in the next few days
6 Like most major private-sector companies ICI has facilities reserved for it at many of the events that dominate the social calendar , such as Glyndebourne , Ascot and Wimbledon .
7 Family size is shrinking as mothers no longer need large numbers of children to work either down the mines or in the factories ( the machine would take anybody to work for it at first ) or to ensure that a few would survive ; high infant mortality rates are now becoming a thing of the past .
8 Just now we did n't have any name for it at all , and it was just The Bar , like it always was , the bar .
9 He could think of no reason for it at all , in fact .
10 High illiteracy rates and a chronic lack of skilled manpower meant that the new government regarded educational provision as politically and economically important and popular demand for it at all levels was considerable .
11 The experience of playing with one , or on one , was astonishing ; nothing I had read had prepared me for it at all .
12 The real value of regression therapy is demonstrated when the patient is aware of how he or she acts in certain circumstances but can find no reason for it at all .
13 Anyway , what about Sam , who takes the Ring but hands it back with only momentary delay , Pippin and Merry , who show no desire for it at all , Aragorn , Legolas and Gimli , who display the same indifference without the excuse of ignorance , and Boromir 's brother Faramir , who realises the Ring is in his power but refuses to take it , with no more sign of mental turmoil than a ‘ strange smile ’ and a glint in the eye ?
14 I had no drivers for it at all ; instead I downloaded the normal ET4000 drivers from CIX .
15 Do n't care for it at all . ’
16 Clegg consulted four psychologists on the feasibility of selection for technical education at eleven ( G. B. Jeffrey , Charlotte Fleming , Godfrey Thomson and Cyril Burt ) , and their advice was so clearly in support of his belief that it was not possible that he refused to select for it at all .
17 Yeah she said erm you have it my love do n't you worry but I said no I 'll give you some no no I do n't want no money for it at all she said , you take it my love .
18 No not the right place for it at all .
19 I was n't prepared for for it at all
20 You do n't have to like , make any room for it at all , and you can start doing paint layup and but you can do magazine pages .
21 Gassendi adopted it enthusiastically and argued for it at great length .
22 Twenty pounds for it at twenty pounds at twenty pounds thank you , twenty is offered and selling for twenty pounds only , twenty five for you sir , thank you , twenty five , thirty thirty five thirty five to my left and selling for thirty five pounds yours sir , thank you , thirty five pounds for number eight four five , thank you very much .
23 Besides , she 's too old for it at forty-five .
24 Coming for it at three .
25 It 's just that he 's coming for it at three so if I get my camera I want it before three .
26 Was he running for it at last ?
27 Indeed Joanne was unlucky not to claim the first set , having served for it at 5–3 .
28 The Agnus is naturally the culminating variation ; in ‘ Misericorde ’ the four parts are expanded for it to six .
29 Hitachi Ltd has entered the X Window System terminal market with launch of the HT-3451-G11 , based on a 20MHz Motorola Inc 88100 RISC , claiming performance for it of 70,000 Xstones .
30 The trumpet is capable of considerable agility , but it is as well not to write rapid passages for it of any great length .
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