Example sentences of "for the [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 to provide computer assistance for the lexicography of the New OED
2 For the chill of divine retribution , listen to Russ Brown 's 1986 track , ‘ Got ta Find A Way ’ : ‘ I must let you know that judgement is here below .
3 Led by Hepworth Band they march through the village to Scholes , with stops en route for the singing of hymns .
4 However the mass at Our Lady of Lourdes , Leasowe , on Saturday November 14 , will also be an occasion for the singing of Byrd 's Mass for Four Voices .
5 So we are all set up with booze , sex , unrequited love , thoughts of separation , ambiguous sexual status , a grand piano for the singing of old songs and a sniffy Law dispensing trifle with a gimlet stare .
6 We are always ready to arrange special rates for groups and offer a free place for the organiser with any group of 20 or more .
7 But the old religion had elements which prepared its adherents for the symbolism of the new : the death and resurrection of Osiris , the representations of the mother goddess Isis with her son Horus on her lap , the symbol of life in the form of a cross , the Egyptian ankh .
8 Mr B 's altered appetite — for improvements as distinct from ladies ' maids — is proof of his moral reformation , for the villainy of Lovelace in Clarissa ( 1748–9 ) is signified by his neglect of his country seat ; while the excellence of Sir Charles Grandison , Richardson 's pattern hero , is indicated by his obsession with mortar , creating a little heaven on the earth of his estate .
9 He gave instructions for the playground to be searched .
10 The boys ' physical welfare was by no means neglected : the Headmaster was pleased to accept " what is called , I believe , a wrestling bar , i.e. a horizontal bar with suitable uprights " for the playground from Mr. Emery of Stepping Hill .
11 Susan Suleiman points out , however , that Iser 's claim for the multiplicity of ‘ correct ’ readings is in fact not borne out by his readings themselves ( Suleiman 1980:24 , cit .
12 Mr had opted for the figure nineteen , for the multiplier in the pleadings in this case .
13 He put the chicken in a roasting bag and felt in his pocket for the vial of thallium .
14 Just like Mr Kinnock , Mr Clinton , having ‘ schmoozed ’ for years with the Left-liberal intelligentsia , abetted by a pushy and progressive Glenys-style wife , is determined to shove the Democrats to the centre for the showdown with Mr Bush in November .
15 But Europe 's Ryder Cup captain Bernard Gallacher will be a happy man if Woosnam and Lyle can maintain this form as both will be needed for the showdown with the United States at the Belfry in September .
16 On the last day of 1921 the Party Central Committee appointed Feliks Dzerzhinsky , the head of the Cheka and Commissar for Transport , to the commission for the dispatch of food supplies and grain seed from Siberia and the Ukraine .
17 Once in Siberia he realized that estimates made on paper in Moscow for the dispatch of 250 wagons a day to the Volga were completely unrealistic .
18 The second reason for the dispatch of Dzerzhinsky to Siberia was to clear up the situation after the Civil War , and to deal with Siberian peasant revolts .
19 Six weeks should be allowed for the dispatch of tickets .
20 The US resolution was not supported by the PLO which had pressed for the dispatch of a mission reporting directly to the Security Council ( i.e. not to the UN Secretary-General ) .
21 At the time of the signing plans were already well under way for the dispatch of a UN Advance Mission to Cambodia ( UNAMIC ) .
22 I was keen to stay close to Harvey while he made preparations for the dispatch of this agent , but Harvey left the flat before breakfast .
23 He also used the flower as the starting point for The Tuft of Primroses — Poetical Works , v , p. 348 ff , written in 1807–8 .
24 He was not a man to belie the magnificent world for the credit of his craft .
25 By his statement of claim , the plaintiff alleged that on July 6 , 1932 , the defendants by their solicitor , a Mr. Kennard , verbally agreed with him that , if he would on July 7 , 1932 , pay the £208 in cash into a bank at Eastbourne for the credit of the solicitor 's firm at the Law Courts branch of the Bank of England , that payment would satisfy all sums that he owed them and a bankruptcy notice which they had issued in respect of part of the debt would not be served on him .
26 Except when they are earned by the professor as the supervisor of graduate students , as an academic adviser under the regulations for Recognized Students , or ( subject to the approval of the faculty board or boards concerned and the General Board , including approval as to the length of time for which the permission shall be given ) in respect of tutorial teaching for up to four hours per week ( exceptionally up to six hours per week ) , any fees received for lectures or instruction given by the professor in the University shall be applied towards meeting the expenses of the department of which he is in charge or , if he is not in charge of the department , shall be paid to the Curators of the University Chest for the credit of the University General Fund .
27 7.2 Landlord to insure The Landlord covenants with the Tenant to insure the Premises and the Retained Parts [ subject to the Tenant paying the Insurance Rent ] unless such insurance shall be vitiated by any act of the Tenant or by anyone at the Premises expressly or by implication with the Tenant 's authority [ and under the Tenant 's control ] While it would be preferable for the insurance to be in the joint names of the landlord and the tenant in order to give the tenant more control over the insurance and to avoid the problem of subrogation referred to below , landlords tend to resist this , presumably on the basis that they wish to retain absolute control and not rely on the tenant in any way as regards the insurance cover .
28 If you caused a flood by knocking a nail through a water pipe , the flood section would cover you for damage caused by the water , but not for the damage to the pipe .
29 ‘ So , at least you do n't deny that you are responsible for the damage to my car ? ’
30 ‘ Perhaps now you can appreciate my dilemma — about paying for the damage to your car ? ’
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