Example sentences of "for this [noun] have " in BNC.

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1 The reasons for this diversity have been subject to much debate ( section 2.4.2 ) and while it is not yet resolved , the fact remains that such forests house a huge genetic resource that has only been fractionally realised to yield what have ultimately become significant commercial products such as rubber .
2 Older machines can also knit jacquard with more than two colours in a row , but for this knitters have to separate the colours and mark the mylar sheet in the necessary way for themselves .
3 We have been very pleased that in the intervening months , when there has been ample opportunity for discussion and feedback , considerable support for this scheme has been forthcoming .
4 Support for this interpretation has been sought in the effects of a procedure in which subjects are given pre-exposure to a variety of flavours .
5 The experimental and clinical support for this hypothesis has lately been questioned .
6 that dredging for this voice has drowned no other
7 ‘ The reasons for this decision have not become apparent at this trial ’ ( they had but he had chosen to ignore them ) and he then attacked the Secretary of State for what he called ‘ usurping the functions of the judiciary ’ , apparently ignorant that recommendations for free pardons have always been vested in the executive .
8 All MPs with private members ' bills scheduled for this session have already got their bills under way following normal procedures .
9 you 've had to find er out for this Sunday have n't ya ?
10 This , I think is what makes it possible for this story to have a positive if not a ‘ sunset ’ ending .
11 By the summer of 1991 the proposed site for this monstrosity had been shifted to the village of Mer on the other side of the Loire .
12 Concern for this issue has recently surfaced in studies that were indeed set up originally to try to isolate the factors that determine which among a selected sample of children are likely later in life to have a schizophrenic breakdown .
13 But her enthusiasm for this sport has not subsided and she continues to ski ‘ from restaurant to restaurant ’ .
14 The 1985 Report on Social Attitudes found that the most highly valued method of taking personal action against an unjust law being considered was to write to the local MP and , although the importance of contacting the media for this purpose has increased , the 1986 report found ‘ a widespread and growing self confidence on the part of the electorate to try to bring influence to bear on Parliament ’ .
15 The choice of 6 January for this purpose has been traced back to the gnostic Christians of Egypt , the corresponding date in the calendar used there being traditionally associated with the blessing of the Nile .
16 Its use for this purpose has already been sanctioned by the Food and Drug Administration ( FDA ) .
17 In schools , the most notable growth has been in the use of 81200 Work Experience 1 — enrolments for this module have increased by over 200% ; other substantial increases were for the Communications and Mathematics modules .
18 The leading authority for this proposition has always been R. v. Nat Bell Liquors Ltd .
19 The quota for this year has been set at 120,000 tonnes ( compared with 235,000 in 1989 ) , with a proviso that only 25,000 tonnes can be caught before July , at which point the report of a new study may trigger further cuts .
20 Most of the resources for this work have come from within the Division 's normal programme of research .
21 The major impetus for this work have been the national surveys carried out by the Home Office , the British Crime Surveys of 1982 , 1984 and 1988 .
22 Further support for this concept has recently come from the work of Iftikhar et al who showed higher concentrations of bile in oesophageal aspirates from patients with Barrett 's columnar lined lower oesophagus .
23 In order for this court to have proper regard to article 10 , it is necessary to state first what test is to be applied .
24 I accept [ counsel 's ] submission that it is relevant for this court to have regard to the fact that in Australia there is no longer any home or any financial support for the mother and for the boys , a situation for which the mother bears no greater responsibility than the father .
25 The ‘ solution ’ found for this problem has been to finance the uncovered interest by expanding the money supply .
26 As far as I know , the only suggestions that have been put forward as a possible cure for this problem have been related to dietary deficiencies .
27 The raison d'être for this recording has to be the extraordinary ‘ mad scene ’ from Semiramide , eighteen minutes of the most astonishing music Rossini ever wrote , truly looking forward to the great lyrical outbursts of Verdi , and given a superb performance by Ramey .
28 SINCE the 1850s , when microfilming became a practical possibility , enthusiasts for this medium have said that it would eventually replace the printed book .
29 Tolstoy 's evidence for this massacre having taken place comes from three alleged eyewitnesses whom he quotes at length , and whom he interviewed while writing his book 40 years later .
30 Further generating techniques for this case have been described by Kitchingham ( 1984 ) .
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