Example sentences of "i [verb] you in " in BNC.

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1 If I bring you in a bottle of concentrate ?
2 ‘ When I met you in Paris , ’ said Mme de Ratho , ‘ I wanted to say — ‘
3 Nothing much else happened , as far as I recall … but then I did n't visit the cottage much , not before that morning when I met you in the garden .
4 ‘ Well , Monsieur , before I met you in St Paul 's , I found one of your handbills in my chamber at the Golden Turk .
5 ‘ Would n't have known you if'n I passed you in the street , ’ she said , ‘ 'cepting those eyes of yourn .
6 they have , they coffee , I make you in this
7 but er Barry come off her husband and he said oh you going down oh I says aye , he saves us fifty pence and I got you in your bread and a pie , right , er I want the erm , did Billy take the dishes up ?
8 I expected you in Berlin sooner , Herr Devlin . ’
9 what time did you go , I can deal with the manager and she was the manageress , he 's the assistant , er , er , er , I says oh dear have I dropped you in it ?
10 I want you in evening dress uniform .
11 But that 's all ; I want you in bed early . "
12 ‘ So , ’ he said , ‘ as soon as you 've finished your coffee , I want you in bed . ’
13 I want you in bed , ’ he 'd said .
14 I want you in dozens of different ways , and only a few of them have anything to do with actual physical desire . ’
15 That 's why I want you in Andalucía .
16 ‘ And afterwards , I want you in my parlour .
17 You see why I want you in my team ? ’
18 I want you in here
19 I will give back give back the books that have been signed and I want you in the the section of I just want to point out one or two things before we go on to the next .
20 That 's what I told you in the boat . ’
21 I told you in my letter last week that I wanted you to arrange for me to meet him .
22 I told you in another part of this saga of mine that I took over a Night in No 7 Squadron from a Flight Commander .
23 ‘ You mean you do n't believe what I told you in Auckland ? ’
24 The president was admitting to voters that ‘ everything I told you in the campaign was not true , ’ said Republican Senator Phil Gramm .
25 During the coming weeks , as I told you in our last programme , we are going to talk with people from outside the university who have contacts with us .
26 I hold you in some affection , child , ’ came the reply .
27 I hold you in the greatest esteem for the peerless courage you displayed in all you undertook .
28 I catch you in the act , do I ? ’
29 Or them ones at the shops , I catch you in there I 'll kill you .
30 I put you in the war zone .
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