Example sentences of "i [verb] [pers pn] for " in BNC.

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1 but when I asked them for a crayon ,
2 Theyspoketo them nicely but if I asked them for anything it was as though they could n't be bothered .
3 I asked him for one yesterday and he said he never had one .
4 When I asked him for his reaction , he sat hunched behind a table in his little palace , his head hanging down , his half-moon spectacles on the end of his nose .
5 I asked him for some bread and cheese , and he went down to the kitchen . ’
6 At this point I thought she might be distracted by the kid whose chair was sticking out , so I asked him for a second time to move back even further .
7 I asked him for something to ease the pain , but he reminded me that he could n't because I had a head wound .
8 I asked him for more but he said that with the family allowance we had the same .
9 I asked him for an instance of the difference between bookselling in Knightsbridge , London , and Union Street , Glasgow .
10 But when I asked him for permission he just agreed .
11 Kevin : Well , I 'd jist got my Giro , So I asked her for a Biro — If she
12 I asked her for help — I wanted to go back to Scotland !
13 Yes , I know how we got talking to this girl in the Post Office cos I erm I asked her for some stamps as well , you see , I wanted some cos I happen to be sending stuff of for Germany tomorrow .
14 Your Grace will therefore be so good as to allow me to ask you most humbly for my discharge … seeing that when I asked you for permission to travel to Vienna three years ago you graciously declared that I had nothing to hope for in Salzburg and would do better to seek my fortune elsewhere .
15 comment if I asked you for some advice ?
16 No I asked you for formally for permission to go ahead and go ahead with the .
17 I asked you for your one pound eighty five and you said no .
18 I " fackins I commend thee for that !
19 Erm and while I was married I bought it back for twenty and a few months later I sell it for ten pound .
20 I made them for a friend a couple of years ago and she 's still talking about them !
21 I made it for a dancer ( Nijinsky ) who can soar like a spirit , but who has the strength to dance with the Wilis [ as in Giselle ] and live to dance again . ’
22 I mean he for him to see it walking along the road if there was anything .
23 Yeah I mean she for a bit she was the party was n't she ?
24 And I fought it for a long time and I wanted to get kick-started back to where I was before , because I felt under a cloud .
25 Whenever I believed I had come up with something , I probed it for every sort of oversight , tested it through from all angles .
26 She said : ‘ I met her for the first time this week . ’
27 I met him for the first time ever when he took over the leadership of the party from the recently deceased Hugh Gaitskell in February 1963 .
28 My sister had a baby about three months ago , and I met it for the first time when I went home . ’
29 That was when I met you for the first time , last week , at the consciousness-raising group that we started at the women 's centre a few weeks ago .
30 I sold them for the same price that I had paid myself .
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