Example sentences of "for [conj] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In principle , a planning authority can only grant what is actually applied for or a part of it .
2 I was just going to make a quick comment if I may on Oxfam , because I noticed that they 're down for the street collections and for the flag day , now next year 's their fiftieth anniversary , so I think it 's quite appropriate next year , but I do , my own view is , that we will get , we ought to get one comprehensive list of all these organisations , for both the street collections and the flag days , with an indication in the column of whether it 's flag day they 've gone for or a street collection , so that we can identify that sort of situation .
3 This could give staff and governors something specific to aim for and a way of measuring success .
4 Detectives have now found a knife they were looking for and a motorbike which was seen nearby .
5 An apt combination of noun and adjective , a bon mot , an evocative phrase , is as much as an artist can hope for and a reader can expect .
6 So you ca n't buy me a box of chocolates for and a card ?
7 Assessment may also be used to motivate pupils by providing a target to aim for and a reward for passing in the form of accreditation .
8 The rest of the battalion is ordered to eat before parades — for if a man faints and he has missed breakfast , he can be charged with rendering himself unfit for duty .
9 No wonder Denmark signalled its dissatisfaction with Maastricht and all it stands for if a batsman needs 10,000 words of multi-lingual explanation before he is allowed to take guard .
10 And for that reason , need , local need , should be catered for , unemployment sh obviously should be catered for but a growth strategy which seeks to double the allocation without any justification is inevitably going to lead to one of two things , it is going to draw in in economic activity from outside , and it is likely that that will be from areas of regeneration , or it will lead to commuting .
11 He guides us among its ‘ toy-like villas , each different in design and each set against a background of trees A curling road winds through , but not everything is revealed at once : a chimney for but a moment here , a turret window through a gap between two acacia trees , a gable partly concealed by the fretted roof of a conservatory , an almond tree in blossom branching over the pavement , a spot of scarlet colour made by a distant pillar box . ’
12 A probe by the Garda Commissioner was called for after a garda told Dublin 's District Court : ‘ Summonses keep disappearing in connection with these charges .
13 If he is convicted of this crime [ this ] punishment follows : the loss of members , that there be member for member for when a virgin is defiled she loses her member and therefore let her defiler be punished in the parts in which he offended .
14 There are a lot of herbs for when a child falls ill .
15 He said that as well as your meticulous attention to detail — so important with diabetic care — you had an infallible instinct for when a person was in pain .
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