Example sentences of "for [art] next [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Or chortle and wait for the next T-shirt ?
2 Middlesex dropped Ramprakash for the next championship match against Hampshire at Southampton but recalled him yesterday for their game against Sussex at Hove .
3 I had n't bargained for the next difficulty : ‘ It wo n't work , ’ he commented , ‘ because my son smokes and he 'll take pity on me and give me one when I run out . ’
4 Subsequent learning about the pre-exposed stimulus will then be impossible until a discrepancy between the values of λ and V is established ( as will happen when the US is introduced at the start of the conditioning phase of a latent inhibition experiment ) so that the value of α will be increased for the next trial .
5 Erm , now we move on to point seven eight of auditing trial audit , now for the next trial audit , the point you raised , Richard .
6 for the next panel ?
7 Ready for the next painting .
8 But Mr Lafontaine , standard-bearer of the up-and-coming generation , and the second most important figure after Mr Vogel on the committee drafting the party programme for the next decade , has certainly not had things all his own way .
9 Not only would winning the order mean around some £60 million worth of work a year for the next decade for Ferranti , but it would give a successful bidder or partner for Ferranti access to crucial next-generation radar technology .
10 Not only would winning the order mean around some £60 million worth of work a year for the next decade for Ferranti , but it would give a successful bidder or partner for Ferranti access to crucial next-generation radar technology .
11 The Navy can be said to have won the first round of the long-running carrier battle , which was to bedevil Naval-Air relations for the next decade .
12 The other is that Japan has , for the next decade anyway , an easy way of expanding its labour force even though population growth is slowing down .
13 If they had accepted good professional presentation advice , they could have saved thousands , had a marvellous multi-purpose centre , proper crowd flow and huge potential for the next decade .
14 The Livingstones and Crichtons did this in 1439 , when they seized James II and then settled down to squabble for the next decade ; the Boyds did the same thing with James III ; and Angus found time , despite his matrimonial problems with Margaret Tudor , to get possession of James V in 1526 and dominate politics for the last two years of the minority .
15 This week 's riot by 150 schoolgirls at Wimbledon station will almost certainly prove to be the crucial event of the election period , and the one which sets the tone for the next decade or so .
16 For the next decade , until June 1967 , the Palestinians watched with envy the triumphs of Arab nationalism under Nasser 's leadership , but remained politically passive .
17 But for the next decade or more , nearly all orchestral and instrumental music was issued in cut-down form , without any warning being given .
18 Another consideration is that the government expects high-technology' industries to grow by 10 per cent a year for the next decade .
19 That should keep those American chaps busy … for the next decade or two !
20 Having explored some of the causes of change and identified the areas which will continue to be debated for the next decade , it is perhaps appropriate to try to identify the developments which have occurred in the past 30 years .
21 For the next decade or so most local authorities stumbled , enthused , muddled and reorganised their secondary schools into a comprehensive form .
22 The order book for the Falcon 20 has now passed the 400 mark , and with the success of the Falcon 10 and the arrival of the Falcon 50 , production from Dassault 's Bordeaux facility for the next decade can confidently be expected .
23 The system of cash planning introduced in 1982 remained fundamentally unchanged for the next decade , but see below .
24 For the next decade , she lived in a series of modest Montparnasse residences , several of them subjects of paintings .
25 The ‘ special service ’ included occasional intelligence work abroad , but his main work for the next decade was the construction and command of the Southampton boom defences .
26 Fulham can now continue to lease the ground for the next decade and have the option to purchase it outright at a price of just under £8 million at any time during the 10 years .
27 Group Captain Martin Armstrong FHCIMA , director of RAF catering , said that after much debate , a blueprint of the optimum private/in-house mix for the next decade was in place and that elements of the catering at every RAF station in the UK would be market tested .
28 The party in control of the governorship would , therefore , exercise considerable influence on the redrawing of the state 's congressional district boundaries for the next decade , a process which could affect the outcome for five seats in the House of Representatives .
29 Development plans for the next decade envisaged large-scale investment in agriculture and in industry , principally backed by foreign investment and international aid .
30 All creating for the next decade and beyond opportunities for a ship building industry .
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