Example sentences of "for [pron] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There has been a recognition of the constraints within which the Trust can plan its long-term management and for everyone a jolting out of the cosy belief that man is master .
2 In short , the social debate on evacuation probably served to reinforce existing analyses of working-class poverty rather than to change them : for conservative social observers , it confirmed their view that the bulk of the problems were caused by an incorrigible underclass of personally inadequate ‘ cultural orphans ’ for whom a Welfare State could do little .
3 Anyone who er regularly attends soccer games knows full well that the game does attract a minority of er young men who for whom a punch-up on a Saturday afternoon is all part of the game .
4 The degrees have been designed primarily for those already employed in the chemical or biological industries for whom a degree is necessary or desirable for promotion to a more senior appointment .
5 repeat courses for those who wished to remain in full-time education but for whom A level was an unrealistic target .
6 Mr Horn works for Derbyshire County Council , for whom a spokeswoman said the hearing had not taken place and would not be held in the future .
7 He was one of those blessed people who have an itch in their hands to make things which will not be denied and for whom a lack of formal training in the arts is compensated by a hyper-developed sense of ingenious invention .
8 However , in so many cases , the police and the courts are dealing with persistent reoffenders rather than with first-time offenders , for whom a caution or community service would be an appropriate penalty .
9 Halling fell into this pattern , for after the Charter the Lord of the Manor was the Bishop of Rochester , for whom a bailiff or reeve controlled his lands .
10 There are developers for whom a building is not just another source of profit and who want to be good patrons .
11 A " customer " is a person with or for whom a firm carries on , or merely intends to carry on , " regulated business " or other business carried on in connection with that regulated business ; the reference to " other business " does not make someone a customer if he would not otherwise be but seems merely to extend the scope of the activities covered by the COB Rules .
12 This must not be dismissed as mere metaphor since it could also be true of the reader , for whom a health check might reveal their having suffered from a range of complaints in blissful ignorance .
13 employees who have made other arrangements to pay their contributions ( i.e. those for whom a form RD950 is held ) .
14 A solicitor or RFL for whom a shareholder holds shares as nominee is referred to as the beneficial owner of the shares , and
15 Thus , if we restrict our attention for the moment to pupils for whom a statement is made , the proportion ranges across LEAs from less than 1 per cent of the school population to nearly 3 per cent .
16 In Scotland , all primary school teachers must have a degree , and so must all secondary school teachers except those teaching subjects such as music , PE or drama , for whom a college diploma is sufficient .
17 Span of control refers to the number of persons for whom a manager has direct responsibility .
18 The long corridors of the Bastille were hardly convenient for Pavarotti , for whom a dressing-room was created nearer the stage , so that he did n't have to walk too far .
19 Women are disrupted in their worship by the masculinity of the religion to the point that it ceases to be for them a vehicle through which they can love God .
20 After a week of caring for them a bond had been formed .
21 For them a build-up of the primary manifestations of commuters ' syndrome — tertiary dandruff and pyorrhoea of the gums — is regarded as being just a little bit natty .
22 Yet for them a description of the full circumstances of a misfortune or disaster is not sufficient in itself .
23 For them a progress of this kind might be acceptable , at least to some extent , in the army .
24 The annual demands to bring back the rope , the murmurings about repatriating immigrants , the calls to purge the nation of social welfare scroungers , were for them a sojourn in purgatory .
25 The knights met the Council at Lincoln in July 1316 , and the king 's officers drew up for them a list of ‘ divers errors ’ contained in the perambulations of 1300 .
26 They were shown round by a Père Obein whose calm wisdom and urbanity so impressed them that he remained for them a touchstone of good sense .
27 Rather it is for them a process of , existence that has to be daily achieved by individuals through work , that is through the individual mastery over emotions and the skills of wizardry .
28 For them a week in a tent is the same as six weeks . ’
29 Maybe when they come to perform to each other that is for them a time for evaluation and assessment , and I consciously make it one , because it 's important when they produce , when they perform their music they really bare their souls .
30 It was for me a phantom of literary delight ; a name , though less euphonious , almost as evocative as Samarkand , Trebizond or Persepolis .
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