Example sentences of "for [verb] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 He blames " European and American neo-XXXX colonialists " for instigating the complaints .
2 Surely , if you have serious reasons for doubting the police conclusions , you should approach them ? ’
3 The shipping company supplied the boat for bringing the goods ashore .
4 Instrumentation and instrumental techniques necessary for bringing the laws of the paradigm to bear on the real world will also be included in the paradigm .
5 Psychological alienation provides Such with a narrative pretext for bringing the theories of post-Einsteinian science to bear on the way we conceive of ourselves as individuals in relation to other people .
6 Joe Johnson is the man responsible for bringing the gendarmes to Oxford Sandhills school .
7 At the hostel they were furious with us for bringing the police , they just wanted us out , literally , and we were out !
8 Since the female is only on heat for a few days and the males are often widely scattered , these scents are vital for bringing the sexes together at the right time .
9 The following are the main reasons for including the debtors and creditors in the asset sale : It is probable that the purchaser will have taken over all the books and records of the vendor relating to the business and the purchaser may have also taken over all of the vendor 's accounting staff .
10 Much stress was laid on the demand for a World Conference at which a British sacrifice of imperial advantages would create the space for appeasing the grievances of the ‘ have-not ’ powers — Germany , Italy , Japan — through a general scheme of ‘ territorial , economic and monetary readjustments … . ’
11 Its height also admitted light to illuminate the threshing operation and air for winnowing the husks from the threshed grain .
12 It is also responsible for administering the procedures for the admission , supervision and examination of all graduate students .
13 The examination boards , newly grouped on broadly regional lines , are responsible for administering the examinations , but no longer for determining the syllabuses or the methods of examination .
14 Second , that I am not in a position of knowledge and I ca n't deliver some goods to them ; that basically , I 'm on a journey and I will hate the techniques I 'm learning for unpicking the threads of my life by becoming assertive and getting new knowledge with them .
15 Not only does the text tend to be repetitious but each item of gear if prefaced by an otherwise blank page informing us of the Key Point to be gleaned in that section , pearls of wisdom such as : ‘ A file is useful for sharpening the edges of your … hooks .
16 I use Rexel Derwent graphic pencils , ranging from 8H to 5 ; a scalpel knife for sharpening the pencils , trimming the paper and for creating a bevel on the many plastic erasers I use , and Fabriano Five hot-pressed paper .
17 I use Rexel Derwent graphic pencils , ranging from 8H to 5 ; a scalpel knife for sharpening the pencils , trimming the paper and for creating a bevel on the many plastic erasers I use , and Fabriano Five hotpressed paper .
18 And women have become more impatient with each other for allowing the divisions which men have created historically — class , racism and heterosexuality — to continue to divide us as women from finding ways of working politically that do not only liberate women but transform the systems of oppression themselves .
19 Race starter Captain Keith Brown was also criticised for allowing the horses to line up too close to the start line which led to the tape twice being broken .
20 Veteran starter Captain Keith Brown , in his last season , was also criticised for allowing the horses too close to the start tape , which broke twice , impeding the horses .
21 Race starter Captain Keith Brown was also criticised for allowing the horses to line up too close to the start line , which led to the tape twice being broken .
22 Christie , who stormed to the 100 metres title in 9.96 seconds , was even quicker to condemn the authorities for allowing the drugs saga to reach the Olympics .
23 There may , after all , be something to be said for allowing the communes to retain their sales taxes , which at present account for about 60 per cent of their revenues .
24 My Lords , the case for relocating the areas that my Noble Friend spoke about , will be considered when the British Library has completed its investment appraisal for use of the surplus land .
25 It was only in 1946 that he came up with a practical scheme for using the manyattas for higher purposes .
26 True , there may yet be the possibility of repentance as the time for using the explosives draws near , but the very step of taking explosives into one 's Possession with this intent is culpable .
27 This supports the case for using the oils we like best , especially for stress-related problems .
28 The Packs contain 16 pages of cardboard to be cut up into picture , word , letter , and number cards , together with a Teacher 's Guide offering instructions for using the cards in conjunction with the Activity Books .
29 The County Council , faced with making savings of around £2 million in its social services budget , is considering bringing in charges for using the centres .
30 What did you call the the knife for shortening the neeps ?
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