Example sentences of "for [verb] [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 Yet for the past two years , Zara has had almost inseparable on-court support from coach Michael Ferguson , who she warmly credits for bringing her to her current level .
2 ‘ As far as I and the society is concerned that was a warm-blooded animal that can suffer pain and starvation , just like any human being , and we will not apologise for bringing it to the court 's attention , ’ he said .
3 ‘ Instead of a rate for carrying oil throughout to Bedale we just got a rate for bringing it to Middlesbrough for trans-shipment to road , which was illogical to me .
4 Thank you for allowing me to . .
5 Thank you for allowing me to .
6 Erm , I think it fair to say that if you 'd asked more or less to the next meeting and probably sub-committee would be quite , quite acceptable and I would thank you for drawing it to our to our attention .
7 The core of Plant 's argument is a careful statement of the case for social citizenship and the reasons for preferring it to the philosophy of the New Right .
8 Donard is the highest mountain in all of Ulster , and you could be forgiven for believing it to be the highest in the world when viewed from Newcastle .
9 It attempted to identify these needs , and addressed detailed recommendations for meeting them to central government , LEAs , examination boards , teachers , training institutions and funding bodies for research and curriculum development .
10 Each local authority was required to estimate the needs of primary , secondary and further education in its area , and to submit plans for meeting them to the ministry .
11 Yet both museums blame the politicians for pushing them to the edge .
12 That is now the task of the Chief of Defence Staff and his Central Staff , who are responsible for formulating national military strategy , and for expressing it to the government of the day and within the Whitehall market-place .
13 He blamed it all on business , but could not resist taunting her for expecting him to be at h-er beck and call , while disapproving that he was rich .
14 " Thus in the case of two drops of water " he says — " we can abstract altogether from all internal difference ( of quality and quantity ) , and the mere fact that they have been intuited simultaneously in different spatial positions is sufficient justification for holding them to be numerically different .
15 Either the directive or the reasons for holding it to be binding should be counted but not both .
16 It is not about explaining what is , but rather seeks to give an account of what is as the basis for developing a set of practices for getting us to what might be .
17 Mr Thomson also felt undermined because ‘ untoward occurrences ’ , including allegations of staff threatening residents , were not being relayed to him for up to three weeks , even though he was legally responsible for reporting them to the county council .
18 For instance , Tomsk , founded in 1604 on the orders of Tsar Boris Godunov , around 60 kilometres from the confluence of the Ob and Tom rivers , ‘ served as a defensive post for protection against attacks by the local population and for subjecting them to the payment of yasak ’ .
19 Dear Grandfather , I am very much indebted to you for sending me to school , and especially to my present Teachers , who have greatly contributed to my improvement , but to you is due all the knowledge I possess .
20 Whatever their differences , could Huy hold himself responsible for sending him to such an end ?
21 And thanks for asking me to be bridesmaid .
22 In Kuwait , the resistance , we are not trying to kill them , we are trying to destroy their tanks , to destroy their erm bases , to take their weapons , and to bring them to our sides for to send them to Saudi .
23 ‘ 'T WAS little enough payment for taking me to Winchester . ’
24 She said , ‘ Thanks for walking me home , and thank you again for taking me to Pepe 's . ’
25 Thank you for inviting me to the information evening last week at St Thomas ' .
26 Welcome and thank you for inviting me to your ceremony .
27 Your karate school is responsible for nominating you to the open ‘ B ’ or regional squad sessions which are normally held at least twice a year .
28 I felt like apologising to Redpath for putting him to a lot of trouble for scant reason .
29 If Ethiopia falls apart , nobody outside will weep for it ; nor , if it holds together , will any outsider pay the vast bill for putting it to rights .
30 That is when the strength of his emerging side , and England 's case for making it to the 1994 World Cup finals , will be truly tested .
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