Example sentences of "for [adj] an [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sometimes you long for half an hours
2 I sat for half an hour outside the dining room like a pickle in a jam factory .
3 He lay there dead , his blood soaking my shoulder for half an hour .
4 Cameron raked on for half an hour , making loose heaps up the middle of the field .
5 For half an hour or so she had Barbara Paulus , ranked 21st to Durie 's 102nd , chasing shadows as she won the first set 6-2 .
6 A trip in a motorised open punt , with stripy red and white umbrellas at hand as shelter from the Belgian drizzle , is an enjoyable way to find your bearings , and at £2 for half an hour , offers a quick fix of what exactly hooks all these tourists .
7 King : Sweet Emma , you remember far too well The jeers and cat-calls mingled with the praise When you did sing and dance for half an hour In your own TV show .
8 A few doors away I watched for half an hour through a film of sunlit flour motes as a small , soft mass of dough was miraculously spun and flung out to cover six-foot squares of sacking by two whirling , wizened old men .
9 So I went there and cornered her in the canteen and tried to chat her up for half an hour .
10 I was absolutely horrified at the number of flaws you could very quickly find in reading one of these papers for half an hour .
11 It was a quiet time and I would sit these fellows down for half an hour and take them through what they were doing .
12 I sat in the cab for half an hour and then this fellow went off .
13 When you have been up for half an hour on a normal working day , how do you feel ?
14 You must go out on a starry night and walk about for half an hour trying to see the sky in terms of the old ( Ptolemaic ) cosmology .
15 A perfect way to serve them is in a tart of shortcrust pastry , mixed with three or four free-range eggs and plenty of sugar , and baked for half an hour or so in a medium-hot oven .
16 The MPs who saw Mrs Thatcher for half an hour were yesterday talking in terms of £20 million to £30 million being made available .
17 The water for washing had to be Pumped up from a well in the scullery every morning for half an hour before breakfast and the drinking water fetched daily in a bucket from a communal tap in the tiny village street .
18 So I took another — four hundred and thirty this time — and a seat and waited for half an hour .
19 On one occasion , it began to go up when she wanted to go down ; another time , it refused to open and kept her prisoner for half an hour .
20 Paul , her husband , generally left before seven and had lunch out with one of his friends , while she used her free day to take care of a thousand chores more annoying than the duties of her job : she had to go to the post office and fret for half an hour in a queue , go shopping in the supermarket , where she quarrelled with the saleswoman and wasted time waiting at the check-out , telephone the plumber and plead with him to be precisely on time so that she would n't have to wait the whole day for him .
21 We talked quietly together for half an hour but there was no point of contact .
22 All the day before , she had waited for half an hour to go off walking by herself and it had never come .
23 He 's a sharp operator , adept at playing the angles , continually bouncing gags off the course of a meandering conversation which takes in flotation tanks ( ’ They told me they wanted to recreate the conditions of the womb , but that 's all I need : some jerk in a white coat stabbing me with an ice-pick for half an hour ’ ) : Panama ( ’ Most American casualties over there were self-inflicted , but that 's because we have a lot of Hispanics in the armed services and some guys get confused ; some Hispanics in the armed services and some guys get confused ; some Hispanics shot themselves , they 're that loyal ’ ) ; even , somehow , the British motorway system ( ’ Driving up the M1 !
24 It was ten o'clock and she had been ignoring it for half an hour .
25 He wondered how much it would cost to buy her for half an hour .
26 We had a nice swim for half an hour or so .
27 When the big wigs arrived , however , they were barely acknowledged by a dour receptionist , told to sit in a grubby waiting area strewn with cigarette ends and empty coffee cups , and kept waiting for half an hour without either apology or explanation .
28 She had had no life of her own for several years ; if she went out for half an hour , she had to leave messages all round the flat , telling Yury she 'd be back soon , otherwise he would panic .
29 On April 6 Brightness was lasooed and after struggling for half an hour was ignominiously hauled from the water .
30 What kind of strength might they have if they harnessed the determination and cunning which went into the anti-bond protests , the bright and imaginative minds which contribute to fanzines and the patience and good humour shown when visiting supporters are ordered to stand in the rain for half an hour after the final whistle ?
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