Example sentences of "for [adj] of we " in BNC.

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1 Then , late in the evening , my new friend turned up with a little white pill for each of us .
2 For each of us , as the apocalypse looms , there 's a power struggle within the self , between decency and dissipation .
3 We are all special to him , and he longs for each of us to enter into the space and privileges of his home .
4 Yet that is where we begin with God : his providential care for each of us and his provision for each of our lives .
5 More realistically , it is easy for each of us to pick up $3,000 of the banker 's money by both playing COOPERATE on all ten rounds of the game .
6 Kalchu fetched a bottle of raksi from the inner room and filled a bowl for each of us .
7 It would be wise for each of us to draw up our own list and carefully think through the issues involved in each .
8 A bunk for each of us and one for the children to share . ’
9 It would be good for each of us to take time this week to thank God for the work of world mission that was revived in 1792 through the effort of William Carey and those around him .
10 My parents were too poor to be able to give one another a birthday present each year , though there was always a present for each of us four children , Stanley , Laura , Edith and myself .
11 For each of us , keeping our risks to a minimum is dependent on what we do and not how we identify ourselves .
12 For each of us ( it is said ) our lives are given sense by certain projects , whether it be that of being a certain sort of person , or of achieving something in such fields as the political , or cultural , or in our personal relations .
13 It is regarded as an individual revolutionary task for each of us to teach someone else who does n't know how to read and write .
14 ‘ We pay , or our relations pay , £15 a year for each of us .
15 waits for each of us
16 Neither way is ‘ right ’ — they 're just right for each of us .
17 She divides it into great scoopfuls and fills a cornflake bowl for each of us .
18 Everyday business language where the same words mean very different things for our main contacts — the Partners — presented a challenge for each of us to overcome .
19 Eldest daughter Carol , 18 , tells us : ‘ Even though there are 12 of us , he is always there for each of us when we need him or his shoulder to cry on .
20 Eldest daughter Carol , 18 , tells us : ‘ Even though there are 12 of us , he is always there for each of us when we need him or his shoulder to cry on .
21 In McNeile 's there were no changing rooms or showers , only foot baths in which we could wash after games , and only two baths and five lavatories for forty-seven of us .
22 Our gesture was not really a religious one , for neither of us believed in the Roman Catholic faith and detested its oppressive hold on the Spanish people , particularly the poor .
23 Our usual nervousness about meeting clients seemed more intense this bright morning for neither of us knew quite what to expect of the senator 's children .
24 Once , at Milan airport , we were herded to the gate and corralled in an area almost big enough for half of us , then shifted to a bus with six seats and standing room for forty , in which the one hundred and twenty of us stood and waited for the idiot who always arrives twenty minutes late despite having been called ten times and being the subject of an Interpol missing persons search .
25 As Ania Loomba puts it , in relation to colonialist studies , ‘ the neglect of histories surrounding native insubordination either devalues or romanticises the latter , or worse , tends to read colonised subjects through linguistic or psychoanalytic theories which , for some of us at least , remain suspiciously and problematically shot through with ethnocentric assumptions whose transfer to all subalterns is unacceptable ’ ( ‘ Overworlding ’ , cited from manuscript ) .
26 I believe that for some of us there 's the need to possess for ourselves that inner conviction and excitement that is a mark of New Testament Christianity .
27 However thirty-six hours before she died she telephoned for some of us to visit ; she knew we had all been worried and concerned but she had it all under control .
28 For some of us , meeting people is difficult but you do not have to be an outgoing , free and easy character in order to learn to meet and get on with new people .
29 For some of us , the homecoming of the bare-faced crows marks , more than anything else , the progress of the year : more than the sparrow 's egg that fell from a nest in the guttering of a barn 's roof ; or , for that matter , the arrival of the hive bees to jostle around the gold gorse flowers ; more than the toad crawling to the pond in which he was spawned ; or the squeak of a hungry pipistrelle bat venturing out of hibernation on a warm , wet evening .
30 ‘ Because it would be good for some of us to see the first moments of your great fame . ’
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