Example sentences of "for [verb] [adv] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Women who I had attacked for bringing up boy children wanted to know if it had been an immaculate conception or simply parthenogenesis , and what was I going to do with it if it were a boy ?
2 Ironically , Concorde travelled the crucial stage of its budget-busting passage just as Macmillan 's new system for bringing both reason and control to the public-spending process was bedding down .
3 Anderson was booked in the first half for bringing down Marin on a night when the Germans again showed their propensity for going down theatrically under straightforward challenges .
4 Step 11 Draw up and then implement your plan for bringing about change .
5 It 's the brainchild of a local landscape artist , who 's also responsible for bringing in Genesis , after hearing a song about railway workmen on their latest album .
6 We believe the main motivation for bringing in PRP is to save on the wages bill , but evidence from the private sector shows that in the short term at least it actually increases costs .
7 The state apparatus is subject to scrutiny and investigation by joint party-state control committees responsible for rooting out inefficiency , red tape , departmentalism , localism , embezzlement and corruption ; and for checking that governrnent funds have been used in ways intended by government policy .
8 The judgements that have to be made are complex , not least because local government has existed for a long time and the opportunities for building up capital or depleting it have been great .
9 The National Insurance contribution complications would be avoided as there would be no need to pay directors ' salaries as the individual partners would rely on their own shares of profit as their source of earnings and the company partner would only be a vehicle for building up capital .
10 Topics in the talk included alternative training methods , particularly for building up leg strength .
11 She is nothing if not an enthusiast and exhibits that special quality so necessary for a regular ski touring in Scotland ; a voracious appetite for sniffing out snow in sufficient quantity to make a continuous tour .
12 India is the home of this strongly aromatic plant where it is perennial , and where its history of use stretches back many thousands of years , It is regarded as sacred by the Hindus and was much used for disinfecting where malaria was present In the house .
13 We and our daily rhythms can respond to bright light and an appropriate use of this may become part of our armoury for speeding up adjustment of the body clock after a time-zone transition .
14 The Faulks Committee would have done better to concentrate on methods for speeding up libel hearings .
15 He blamed politicians and some sections of the media for whipping up anxiety about mortgage repossessions and said that for his company marital breakdown rather than poverty was still the main reason for such repossessions .
16 Pre-cut panels of mirrors sold for hanging on wardrobe or cupboard doors are often surprisingly cheap compared to custom-cut pieces and they can be hung side by side or used in certain places to look like slit windows in a wall .
17 These are important conditions for keeping both farm and companion animals .
18 The same writer recommended giving glasshouse room to a few hedgehogs , ideal for keeping down woodlice .
19 Figure 3.1 offers a possible starting-point for explaining why science has for many people ruled out religion .
20 In this case , instead of accepting that comprehensible input is indeed validly conceived as ‘ The ‘ Fundamental Pedagogical Principle ’ ’ and then looking at how it might be achieved by interaction , one might more profitably ask whether these strategies of interaction on the part of the learner do not suggest that the notion of comprehensible input is inadequate for explaining how language is learned , and therefore is not so very fundamental after all .
21 As part of this , there is a set of enhanced commands which allow you to set up quite complex command lines for launching both DOS and Windows application within Windows .
22 A great album for checking out killer grooves is ‘ Rapture ’ by Anita Baker .
23 If the current GATT proposals for opening up world trade for agriculture were inaugurated , he said , they would force Third World farmers to industrialise their production or be " washed away as if by a catastrophic flood " .
24 The title is aimed at 8 to 12 year olds and uses the garden or the park as an observation ground for understanding how nature works .
25 It is recommended that at the start of a particular project , the project manager should draw up a set of guidelines for filling in module headers .
26 It is the main reason for filling in football coupons and entering all kinds of competitions .
27 The language was incorporated into a program called Filetab , which was designed for looking up information held on file in mainframe computers .
28 More recently , they have been supplemented by the galium arsenide laser instrument with opto-electrical linkage for picking up conversation at a distance from the vibrations in window panes .
29 The 5000 desktop model has a memory checking function for picking up memory errors , while the 5900 server can make use of a large-capacity disk array with up to eight disk drives .
30 The focus of this is about fourteen inches from the centre and if you put a microphone here when this this thing is outside it 's ideal for picking up bird song .
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