Example sentences of "for [num ord] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Competencies for second level nurses ( parts 2 , 4 , 6 , 7 of the Register )
2 A sixth UN chemical weapons inspection team which began work in late February [ see p. 38788 ] left the country on March 24 after overseeing the destruction of more than 460 leaking 122mm rockets at a munitions site in Khamisiya , 300 km south of Baghdad [ for fifth chemical weapons inspection see pp. 38548 ; 38598 ] .
3 In the first round on Sept. 27 Iliescu and Constantinescu had gained 47.34 and 31.24 per cent respectively [ for first round results and background information , see p. 39104 ] ; in the second Iliescu won 61.43 per cent and Constantinescu 38.57 per cent , with a 73.2 per cent turnout .
4 Wall charts and card indexes displayed data on inpatient waiting , new referrals , numbers waiting for an appointment , and waiting times for first non-urgent appointments as well as information on theatre availability and bed state .
5 Competencies for first level nurses ( parts 1 , 3 , 5 , 8 of the Register )
6 Lang gives green light for next regional elections
7 Pardon for last political prisoners
8 Also on March 22 the first round of cantonal elections were held for 2,025 general councillors ( including 79 overseas ) , with a second round on March 29 [ for last cantonal elections in 1985 see p. 36705 ] .
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