Example sentences of "for [v-ing] [pers pn] into " in BNC.

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1 British tourist Stephen Profitt , who paid £200 for Lucky in Malta , was fined £100 yesterday for bringing her into the country without a licence .
2 So far I have discussed the example of the missile and its specific antidote without stressing the evolutionary , progressive aspect , which is , after all , the main reason for bringing it into this chapter .
3 Each has a ‘ magic hand ’ , a manipulator which swings from vertical , for fishing tapes out of stacks , to horizontal , for slotting them into players .
4 I am indebted to husband John for pushing me into the purchase at a time I obviously needed the machine but was not very full of vim and zip to get it and learn it .
5 ‘ He died cursing your father for trapping him into a loveless marriage , ’ he growled .
6 David Icke insists he made no such claim , and blames the media for turning him into a laughing-stock .
7 In 1952 she wed film director Roger Vadim , the man responsible for turning her into a screen star , but that soon turned sour .
8 As he had been delirious on arrival , the authorities , knowing that his landlady , Mrs Avery , had been responsible for getting him into hospital , simply put down her name as next-of-kin .
9 And he blamed another girl for getting him into the drugs scene .
10 He 's very conscious of the fact that he 's indebted to him , not just for rescuing him from those awful guardians but for getting him into Grafton Abbey and then arranging for him to work for Mr Harvey .
11 ‘ And I 'm sorry , too , ’ puts in Rainbow , ‘ for getting you into this mess in the first place .
12 When I apologised for dragging him into this , there was no bitterness in his gracious reply . ’
13 ‘ There would be many , ’ the fellow whispered , ‘ who would curse you , Cranston , for dragging me into court !
14 Under the Children Act 1989 a child 's lack of suitable education had ceased to be a specific ground for taking him/her into care .
15 And who is responsible for putting her into this position ?
16 If some of the ideas in this book have been new to you , you may be full of enthusiasm for putting them into practice .
17 Words are essential tools for formulating and communicating thoughts , and also for putting them into the storage of memory , but words can also become snares , decoys or straight jackets .
18 We should n't be bashed for putting it into a sale ; we help to bring it to a resolution by bringing out it into the open ’ .
19 On a simple view , the Treasury , as a government department , formulates the financial policy which it wishes to see pursued and the Bank of England decides upon the appropriate technical means of carrying out that policy and is responsible for putting it into effect .
20 The two , Marxist and Empirical Socialist , unite in their criticism of the utopian promise of his schemes and of the impracticability of his proposals for carrying them into effect .
21 So we might say my friend Ellen Blair , or the former chairman Ellen Blair , or a nurse in the ward called Ellen Blair , giving , in some sense , ‘ credentials ’ for her existence and for her relationship to the speaker who is responsible for introducing her into the conversation .
22 It 's a poor reason , is it not , for introducing it into the cost structure of a game which , as you rightly say , is ‘ … very expensive ’ .
23 In the unconscious of the men concerned , a part aims to give his mother a son , like himself , as an expression of his gratitude to her for bearing him into the world .
24 SEX-STARVED women in Japan blame their husbands ' bosses for working them into the ground and leaving them limp and lifeless in the bedroom .
25 In 1844 S. Lewis states that " at Halling chalk abounds and the works for burning it into lime provide the chief occupation of the inhabitants " .
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