Example sentences of "for [det] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 At either end of the state saloon , and entirely unconnected with it , are small compartments , for each a guard , who has the control of a powerful argand lamp which , on passing through the tunnels along the line , reflects a strong light through a ground glass of globular form inserted in the panelling .
2 0 for each NO answer
3 For each the example pattern you compute er this input tuple vector .
4 So , third , the purpose of the Council was not just to restate and defend past doctrines — for that a Council was not necessary — but to ‘ make a leap forward in doctrinal insight and the education of consciences in ever greater fidelity to authentic teaching .
5 And Moses said , This shall be , when the Lord shall give you in the evening flesh to eat , and in the morning bread to the full ; for that the Lord heareth your murmurings , which ye murmur against him : and what are we ? your murmurings are not against us , but against the Lord . ’
6 Giving her reasons for that the mother said that she wished access to be resumed at some point in the future , that D remembered her as the natural mother , and there was a bond between them which would be cut off or damaged by adoption .
7 The Support Force crossed the great divide and for that the profession ought to be grateful .
8 He was soon running errands for half a crown a day , sleeping on a board over the bath and doing Musgrave a favour by playing the toyboy to his wife .
9 And as an apprentice you , I was a year there for nothing , a ye , half a year for half a crown , half a year for five shillings , and at the end of five years I was earning fourteen shillings .
10 Now half a crown in those days was a lot of money , you had to a full day 's work for half a crown , make no mistake on that .
11 They used to have a erm hens there you see , they used to go round the small farms buying hens , then for half a crown each , just for sitting on the eggs to hatch them .
12 Here , as inmates with red-rimmed eyes and ash-grey faces barter items like a shirt or a spoon for half a bowl of soup , a nightmarish market economy is seen in operation .
13 She tightened her hand on his , and they sat holding hands for half a minute before Peter Yeo caught sight of his watch .
14 Any material which runs for half a minute or so is worth considering , and you can stretch these times to any length by repeat-recording them nose-to-tail for as many times as needed to make up the required length .
15 It will feel like an eternity , but you will have learned to handle silence for half a minute .
16 The constable apparently left the chamber at that , for half a minute later a cloaked figure came quickly out of the Garden Tower 's entrance and disappeared into the darkness .
17 ‘ Wait , ’ the Counsellor said , and stood silent for half a minute .
18 The ball seemed to be in the air for half a minute .
19 We sit in silence for half a minute .
20 The fireball that came with the flash lasted for half a second and enveloped the whole stumbling figure .
21 Volunteer Eileen said : ‘ For half a second I thought it was a hoax but as he began to name the four streets I took him seriously . ’
22 For half a second you might have thought his fist had smashed me across the room , except that I follow through my dive into a roll and end up squatting on the floor , eight feet away , with the pistol pointing straight at his guts .
23 Look away , even for half a second , and he 'll disappear . ’
24 Roughly how many more steps does the boy have to take if they walk together for half a kilometre ?
25 I made a hand winch with a double handle and a ratchet and room for half a kilometre of twine on the drum ; I made different types of tails for the kites that needed them , and dozens of kites large and small , some stunters .
26 New methods will come , no doubt , with the fruition of that research which the Home Secretary has urged and supported ; but we can not even claim to be using existing methods , when 7,550 prisoners are sleeping tonight three in a cell , and when policies which , but for the war , would have been on the statute book in 1939 , and have already been on the statute book for half a generation , have hardly begun to be carried into effect for lack of premises .
27 So opens Blaze 's ‘ 25 Years Later ’ , perhaps the best soul debut for half a decade .
28 Alcoholic drinks have a significant calorie content ranging from about 50 calories for a small measure of spirit to 70–130 for a glass of wine and 90–130 for half a pint of beer .
29 Vern Clarke , 19 , a London Underground maintenance worker , caused the trial to be aborted , held up court proceedings for half a day and cost the taxpayer more than £7,000 .
30 ‘ The thought of being in one for a week and unconscious for half a day would n't have appealed to me very much .
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