Example sentences of "for [art] [det] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 For the former it allowed the husband time to concentrate on other enterprises whilst in the case of the latter it reduced the work that had to be done by the husband on his return from his off-farm job .
2 The main difference between the utilitarianism of Hutcheson and Hume , and that of Bentham , is that for the former it figured mainly as an account of our actual moral feelings , whereas for the latter it was not only this but even more the basis of a critique of current morality .
3 For the former it is a work of art reflecting a particular symbolic way of describing certain believed truths .
4 There 's nothing you can do about the latter , and as for the former you 'll simply have to stop worrying .
5 For the latter he quoted a sentence by Lucian , the second-century Greek rhetorician : ‘ A work of art requires an intelligent spectator who must go beyond the pleasure of the eyes to express a judgement and to argue the reasons for what he sees . ’
6 By grossly exaggerating the victim 's treatment of the accused in order to gain sympathy for the latter he had instead made it seem all the more likely that he had meant to kill .
7 For the latter it is better to buy a tape , or to make your own , and listen to that , rather than to try to do it yourself as you go along .
8 The main difference between the utilitarianism of Hutcheson and Hume , and that of Bentham , is that for the former it figured mainly as an account of our actual moral feelings , whereas for the latter it was not only this but even more the basis of a critique of current morality .
9 For the latter you will probably join Lincoln 's Inn , for the former one of the three other Inns .
10 For a few it is immensely strong , and the search for law or a great master at Bologna — for theology and Abelard at Paris — played its part in bringing students to distant schools in the early twelfth century , the first great creative age in the formation of medieval universities .
11 For a few it is , more significantly , a general philosophy and regime of departmental management .
12 For a few it was more their boyfriend 's decision , and for two of them , the decision had been their own .
13 But it seems sad that so many did not have a more enjoyable sexual introduction , especially when for a few it had been the one and only time .
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