Example sentences of "for [art] government 's " in BNC.

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1 The prosaic explanation for the Government 's inaction is an insult to tourism : manufacturers have told Government that they want an uninterrupted flow of production between the August bank holiday and Christmas .
2 As for the Government 's style , Mr Heseltine suggested that much of its tough ‘ rhetoric ’ was empty , because the hostile words did not match the actions .
3 Besides , it is playing fast and loose with the statistics to take 1981 as the baseline for the Government 's claims .
4 He came to be regarded as the major reason for the government 's post-Falklands electoral strength , its reputation for competence , enterprise , and success .
5 Before their deaths both Lord Butler and Lord Stockton , formerly Harold Macmillan , frequently made clear their distaste for the government 's policies .
6 The extent to which the sector as a whole has grown dramatically in recent years is underlined in new figures produced for the government 's report by the research group , Graham Bannock and Partners .
7 AS FOR the government 's negotiating strategy , Harkabi forecast that nothing would scare the ‘ extremists ’ like a readiness to talk from the other side .
8 More sweeping changes to deal with the threat of global warming will have to wait for the Government 's environment white paper under discussion in cabinet committee .
9 That bodes well for the government 's aim to pay the East German bills without either raising taxes or boosting borrowing greatly .
10 Weekend opinion polls showed strong public support for the government 's Gulf strategy .
11 The events which led to this began on 30 June 1925 when the coal owners decided that they would abolish the national minimum wage , cut wages by about 10 per cent in order to compensate for the government 's return to the gold standard with a reflated pound , and to maintain standard profits no matter how low wages fell .
12 It offered union co-operation on pay claims in return for the government 's pledge to curb prices and inflation , but it was never underwritten by individual unions — a key weakness as it turned out .
13 Over the period of the inquiry build-up , the funding for energy efficiency measures had actually been reduced and the budget for the government 's Energy Efficiency Office slashed .
14 The rapidly rising cost of social security was a major reason for the Government 's reform of community care , outlined in the White Paper , ‘ Caring for People : Community Care in the Next Decade and Beyond ’ .
15 It is even rumoured that the end of September is the deadline for the Government 's decision .
16 Duncan Nichol , chief executive of the National Health Service , and enthusiastic propagandist for the government 's ‘ reforms ’ .
17 The feverish spewing-out of statistics in the name of the Citizen 's Charter is a poor apology for the Government 's failure to control these appalling crimes .
18 I AM deeply concerned at the prospect of sick people being made to pay for the Government 's mismanagement of the economy .
19 Mohammed Hussein Nagdi , who resigned as Iran 's ambassador to Italy in 1982 to campaign for the government 's overthrow , was killed on his way to work when the hit squad pulled up beside his car and opened fire with a submachine gun , police said .
20 That means we have to pay in misery yet again for the Government 's mismanagement .
21 They said stretched services would be further hit if they were made to ‘ pay the price for the Government 's economic mistakes ’ .
22 Unfortunately for the government 's programme , for most of 1985 and 1986 , Scottish teachers conducted a massive programme of industrial action which seriously disrupted the work of the schools .
23 And by forging ahead with privatisation , he could raise much-needed cash for the government 's coffers .
24 Government backbenchers are expected to be present at all stages and though they are entitled to speak for half the time available on the floor of the House , in committee they are expected neither to speak nor to move amendments but simply to keep voting for the government 's proposals .
25 It could be the figure will turn out to be the low point of the trend , although if the pound continues to strengthen , that 'll be good news for the government 's control over inflation .
26 Phillipson identifies another set of problems for the government 's family care policies .
27 For the Government 's part , each year it will publish a ‘ Forward Look ’ that will give industrialists and researchers a clear and up-to-date statement of the Government 's strategy .
28 This Consolidated Fund revenue ( 169.8bn ) , together with Social Security receipts ( 38.7bn ) , local authority and business rates ( some 14.1bn ) and the community charge ( 8.0bn ) plus other miscellaneous receipts , including those from privatization , are necessary to pay for the government 's expenditure plans of around 258bn in 1992/93 .
29 A provisional timetable has , however , been given for the Government 's review of travel-to-work areas ( used as the basis for the Assisted Areas which are targeted for regional assistance ) .
30 Does my right hon. Friend accept that there is widespread support among parents for the Government 's proposal that schools should make their public examination results available for publication in common form ?
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