Example sentences of "was about the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A lot of the play was about the King 's son and his friend , Sir John Falstaff .
2 I thought they might be going to pay their rents , for I was told it was about the settling-time .
3 Tallis thought it was about the middle of the day .
4 In the main our conversation was about the Queen , and the King 's penchant for ever younger mistresses .
5 The argument was about the Law of Entropy and the arrow of time .
6 Just thought I 'd told you for cos from the erm , title i , you would n't think it was about the navy .
7 His favourite was about the man who told a doctor : ‘ Yes .
8 It was about the relationship between the Government and the transport industries and the Government and the rail industry in particular .
9 DeVore returned the bow , then turned , intrigued , wondering what it was about the boy that could so thoroughly spook the seemingly-imperturbable Douglas .
10 Keep one end dry and the other end wet , my father advised me , and that was about the measure of it .
11 The case was about the liberty of the press to comment freely at any price .
12 And then i when I was was about the trout fishing in the loch here .
13 This was about the year 1200 ( the charter is undated ) , but there is the fishpond today .
14 It was about er the press and unemployment and it was about the way the effects of unemployment were written about in well broadsheet and popular newspapers , it also involved a bit of a study where I gave people some articles to show which had been typed up in a fairly anonymous format and , and got them to rate them in various ways and that was in , let me see , nineteen eighty three long long time ago
15 No matter what we did we caught carp but still we found that 17lb was about the ceiling and with the bait situation looking very low and the prospect of the homeward journey the following morning we both decided to pack up the carp rods and fish all out for the cats .
16 The second doubt was about the cost .
17 Elisabetta was asking her something ; it was about the fireworks last year in the city , off the old harbour wall where they had reflected in the sea .
18 The line of authority starts with Re Hopper ( 1867 ) LR 2 QB 367 , which was about the assessment of compensation payable by a tenant farmer .
19 It was headed ‘ Growing Up Under Dictatorship ’ , and was about the childhood and young adolescence of its author , Sibylle Kaufmann , in Nazi Germany .
20 The third book was about the progress of thought versus theology in mediaeval times ; Paul had not yet decided on a title .
21 It has been romanticized as a tradition of public service when much of it was about the protection of vested interests .
22 Would you believe our biggest grouse in the sixties was about the noise of construction work ?
23 Campbell 's developmental prototype was about the size of a suitcase , and it used a ‘ frame grabber ’ to record the scene that a lens focused on a silicon chip .
24 His fist was about the size of a sack of potatoes .
25 Each cage was about the size of a wire basket for office mail , and in the corner of every one was a pellet hopper and an inverted water bottle .
26 A blonde , blue-eyed doll for him to play with ; that was about the size of it .
27 Asked by the judge why the question was relevant , Mr Carman said it was about the development of the friendship between the politician and the producer .
28 Yet discussion during the evening was about the company and little else and samples of fabric were passed round the table at most meal times .
29 There was about the seamen — every nerve in Blind Hugh 's body , which tended to vibrate in the presence of even a small amount of impure gold at fifty paces , screamed into his brain — the air of one anticipating imminent enrichment .
30 The play 's story was about the change in men which can break deadlock and bring teamwork .
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