Example sentences of "was then [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But is this because there was then no machinery for collecting and distributing the money or because there was no authority-imposed duty to pay it ?
2 I was then a year old and she was with us till I was nearly four .
3 In July 1663 , Richard Baxter left London for reasons of health and went to live in Acton , which was then a village six miles west of the capital .
4 Given the date , it was then a question of working backwards and consulting an old diary ; and I found that during the period in question I was in India for Panorama .
5 So it was then a question of just sitting down with a blank sheet of paper and starting to draw , because a Designer thinks about structures and design only by doing it , by drawing what 's in his mind .
6 It was then a question of waiting to be called up and none of us had any idea how long this would be .
7 It was then a University magazine but after the Second World War it became , as Nonesuch News , the student newspaper .
8 Migration is certainly related to the family life-cycle : House ( 1965 ) discovered in the North East that migration peaked in the late twenties ( when family commitments are fewest ) ; there was then a lull for about 15 years , and migration again became more important when family ties had been reduced as children grew up .
9 Twelve weeks later , the fourth wall was similarly treated , and it was then a case of waiting until the following spring , to see if any further scale build-up and weed growth would occur .
10 It was then a case of forget plan B , C and D. Try X.
11 Four years after her husband died she returned from the United States to marry her foster father , Mr Taylor , who was then a widower :
12 Given that San Sebastian was then a hive of intrigue and rumour ; that there were multiple connections between the parties involved ; and that they had a common interest in retaining political initiative in their own , civilian hands , it seems not impossible that the Falangists and Carlists were aware of the negotiations between Cavaletti and Aguirre .
13 It became known as the Doomsday Book and it took two years to compile , but it illustrated that England was then a land of extensive royal forests and open fields , with only a few townships in the forest clearings , or at a river crossing .
14 The Hungerfords of Farleigh Hungerford , the all-powerful local family in medieval times , bought Iford , which was then a mill , in 1369 and held on to it for four centuries .
15 I was then a disciple of Herbert Read 's and his " education of the senses " , but it was Basil , ill the no-nonsense power of his belief , who did much to give me a life-long conviction about the place of art education .
16 Er , it started in eighteen fifty six , had been currying leather for the saddlery trade all those years and it was then a subsidiary to and was making saddlery leather for them , but in addition , quite a large production of fancy leather for the local light leather goods trade .
17 It was then a forcing ground for the new classes establishing themselves and exerting their power against the existing feudal order .
18 As my husband was then a consultant there , and involved in research in rheumatology , it was only natural that I joined him in the research field .
19 ‘ It was a conversion experience , ’ he says , ‘ I had seen his carvings in a vague sort of way already [ Esterly was then a post-graduate student at Cambridge and surrounded by some of Gibbons ' best work ] but I found myself looking at them there in St James 's as if for the first time .
20 I had been granted a State Studentship enabling me to undertake postgraduate study for an M.A. ( The London University M.A. was then a research degree . )
21 When the Palace were drawn to face Rangers again in the 3rd round of the FA Cup in January 1946 , in which no ‘ guests ’ were eligible to play , the club hurried the petitioned move through , at what was then a club record fee of £5,000 .
22 The winner 's conker was then a oner , when it had disposed of two it became a twoer , but if it should then beat a threeer it then became a fiver .
23 Clive Knox was then a teenager on the family farm right next to the construction site ; some of his father 's land was taken for the development .
24 Of all this only 40s. was recorded , at Marlow , in 1522 , in the name of Thomas , who was then a ward himself .
25 The crucial suggestion was made in 1972 by Jacob D. Bekenstein , who was then a graduate student at Princeton University and is now at the University of the Negev in Israel .
26 He was then a flight sergeant with 104 Mobile Signals Unit in the Middle East .
27 What was then a rumour — that the same units were moved from one place to another for his inspections — proved to be the truth .
28 series would be renumbered , into what was then a gap in the L C.C. series on 3 October 1934 .
29 Bondi was then a professor of mathematics at Kings College , London , and an expert on general relativity .
30 Given that the coin was put in , it was then a matter of what can be called real chance that the bar came out .
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