Example sentences of "was not the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 After a week in this confusion , and because the inn-keeper , a fervent anti-royalist , suspected that Grandfather Denknetzeyan was not the commoner he pretended to be , the young cadet decided to return to his family home in Talica , a small farming community between Ekaterinberg and Tobolsk in western Siberia .
2 And gradually he came to realize that there was a particular reason for the attraction which was not the empathy of the girl .
3 Probably it was not the artists who chose the subject-matter for the decoration of a Greek temple , but the priests or some other religious or civic authority .
4 It was not the premises themselves .
5 As a publicity exercise , however , its main target was not the public at all , but the CAA .
6 Repatriation was not the concern of the embassy , they must go to the British Consulate , a little distance away on the other side of the Brandenburg Gate .
7 He was not the friend Preston might have picked for that distinction had there been any rivals in the field .
8 Was not the Secretary of State a little disappointed at the reaction of some Church leaders to the successful contact by the security forces at Coalisland ?
9 Allen looked at her with a puzzled air ; this was not the girl he had taught to shoot with his bow , and who had watched swine on the Ridgery .
10 Juliet waited , a little hope in her growing , after his statement that Moira was not the girl for him .
11 In his summing up the judge said that the co-defendant 's plea of guilty was not the issue and the jury knew of it to make the background accurate .
12 The connections between gender and class were apparent enough in the early modern period , and if the transvestite was a pervert or invert it was precisely in the pre-sexological senses of these ideas ; whether actually or only in the paranoid imagination of the dominant , she was regarded as upsetting the entire social domain , even when her sexual ‘ orientation ’ was not the issue .
13 It was not the issue of his salary alone .
14 But that was not the issue now and it was none of Vass 's business .
15 Maybe he should take the opportunity … but for the moment , that was not the issue .
16 But that was not the issue .
17 In those days Leeds used to be on telly quite a bit but of course there was not the coverage of every game as now .
18 But he was not the landlord of Dublin Castle .
19 If , therefore , minorities created insecurity , in Scotland it was not the crown but the nobility who suffered , making hay , no doubt , while the sun shone , but knowing that in the end the sileage would be the king 's .
20 But it was not the Crown 's invariable motive for summoning a Parliament .
21 So he swallowed her small cries , but in the end it was not the safeguard she had sought , because in doing so he fed her the taste of himself once more and left a hunger in her which she sensed would last a long , long time , if not an eternity .
22 But whatever lit it was not the moon , for this Stephen now saw slowly rising out of clusters of cloud on the rim of the moor , a reddish , mottled orb like the ghost of that sun .
23 It was not the quantity of stars that was so impressive , though if there had been more they would have blended into a whitewash , nor was it their brilliance , though they were a dazzling variation of colour and size , but that they seemed alive .
24 This was not the operations room of a naval warship or a secret room in the White House but my modest office above a restaurant in north London .
25 On the preliminary issue the judge dismissed the application holding that a local authority could sue for libel in respect of its governing or administrative reputation even though no financial loss was pleaded or alleged , that where a local authority instituted proceedings in reliance on section 222(1) of the Local Government Act 1972 it was for the local authority to decide on the expediency of litigating and it was not the court 's function to do so on an application to strike out , and that since the words complained of reflected on the local authority itself in the management and rectitude of its financial affairs , the statement of claim did disclose a cause of action against the defendants .
26 That for him was not the problem , however .
27 The money had been made available ; that was not the problem .
28 ‘ The analysts finally said that what we were doing was not the problem — the problem was that we made it look as though the truth was being dragged out of us .
29 Comparisons with other economies suggest that stop/go was not the problem , rather it was the weakness of the underlying trend of growth which exaggerated the effect of stop/go phases [ Artis , 1972 ; Dow , 1964 ; Matthews , 1968 ] .
30 This did not take on , but from the time of the Pioneers some red-figure artists sometimes draw in outline on a white slip , most often on the interior of a cup where there was not the problem of the receding surface .
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