Example sentences of "was begin [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 Melissa was beginning to wish the conversation had never started ; the last thing she wanted was to become embroiled in a dispute between two women she hardly knew , but Rose was looking her squarely in the eye as if demanding a response to her outburst .
2 was getting really cross and was beginning to call the police over she just produced a card and they just throw it and said this means nothing to me , this means nothing to me , cover your head and she just laughed at them and walked away , but he , he pounced on a Filipino girl who was actually wearing jeans , and socks and said her jeans were too short
3 She was beginning to tackle the problem in her quietly determined way , by suggesting a movie or a shopping trip to one or two of the quieter girls in the nurses ' home , and by spending more time chatting with her patients instead of being simply a sympathetic presence .
4 Analysts were more impressed with chairman and chief executive Sir Geoffrey Mulcahy 's guarded optimism that the high street was beginning to see the awakenings of consumer confidence .
5 But it was precisely Gould 's unshakeable commonsense , which Havell had so reviled , that was beginning to antagonise the rival American camp , and it was with exasperation that they watched Gould set off for Europe on a reconnoitring trip for his second publication .
6 Early in 1822 , when Bentham was beginning to undertake the drafting of the Constitutional Code , he wrote a substantial manuscript which brought together several strands in his constitutional thought to serve , as he intended at the time , as an introduction to the Code .
7 They were under no illusions that they could do a better job from Detroit , but they had become increasingly concerned that they were getting out of touch with what was happening around the world , and that the tail was beginning to wag the dog .
8 Everyone was beginning to realize the seriousness of the position .
9 I felt I was beginning to lose the battle , and the diary for the remainder of the term is full of expressions of hatred for the school , interspersed with the repeated and heartfelt question , ‘ Why ca n't they leave me alone ? ’
10 The impact of war on ordinary lives was beginning to create the conditions for a mass peace movement .
11 The distribution of the District 's activities was beginning to reflect the efforts being made in Essex and Norfolk by Hampden Jackson and Douglas-Smith and in that year some 20% of the District 's classes and enrolled students were in these two counties .
12 And the new Italian thinking was beginning to affect the sects themselves .
13 Karen Jackson was beginning to dislike the man .
14 It was not until a decade or so later , when the Junior adventure story was beginning to examine the nature of heroism more searchingly , that Richard Armstrong ranged beyond the frontiers of his documentary adventures into a world of greater hazards , a more exacting world for the writer to describe .
15 They still treated each other with caution but each was beginning to respect the other 's professionalism .
16 And I could see I was going to get warmer still because the bullock was beginning to enjoy the game , kicking up his heels and frisking around after each attempt .
17 I was beginning to enjoy the game .
18 She stared apprehensively into fitzAlan 's eyes , searching beneath the gleaming mockery for a sign that he was beginning to remember the events of the night .
19 He was beginning to take the idea of pursuit seriously .
20 Our administration was beginning to take the cutter service more seriously and we , serving officers , began to feel as though we were becoming a more permanent and desirable feature of Customs controls .
21 Dusk was beginning to touch the forest and deep shadows lay across the small clearing where they sat down .
22 He was beginning to find the sex interesting , and had already started to wonder whether he should try to make her position permanent .
23 Lear was beginning to find the strain of lithography — ‘ this lampblack & grease work ’ , as he later called it — intolerable , and had made up his mind to become a landscape painter .
24 It was under attack from the law , its sexism was earning it brickbats from sections of the readership , and even the new rock reading section of the market was beginning to note the changes coming over the NME .
25 Charles , who was beginning to understand the technique of conversation with Bartlemas and O'Rourke , leapt in .
26 He was beginning to understand the appeal of the religious life , particularly of the life governed by a religious Rule , with its vows of Poverty , Chastity and Obedience .
27 It must have been something like that ; Charles was beginning to understand the way Paul Lexington worked .
28 She said she thought she was beginning to get the hang of it .
29 Ace was beginning to get the message .
30 He looked even more puzzled but Pascoe could see from Alice 's face that she was beginning to get the picture .
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