Example sentences of "was bring up in " in BNC.

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1 ‘ No , I was brought up in Berkhamsted and I spent a couple of years living in Oxfordshire not so long ago , so I 'm not completely inflexible about this .
2 The next generation which is taking over the reins of industry is a generation who were not brought up in the same milieu that I was brought up in .
3 All wiped out in the War and he was brought up in an orphanage .
4 I was brought up in Gilmer , Texas , as a fundamentalist Mormon .
5 Stepson of a rabbi and product of a broken home , Laszlo was brought up in an orphanage , and it is clear that from a very early age this intense , obstinate man sought not only to bring order to his own life but to control to an unprecedented degree the environment of his future family .
6 He came from a family of fourteen and was brought up in Ramsgate .
7 Miss Varda 's entry , ‘ Jacquot de Nantes ’ was a poetic , affectionate evocation of the childhood of director Jacques Demy , her late husband , who was brought up in Nantes .
8 The chances are almost two-to-one that he was brought up in a fatherless household .
9 Mary of Guise was brought up in the charmed circles of the greatest French aristocracy .
10 Marian McPartland was brought up in south London , offspring of a civil engineer .
11 Neeld 's daughter by his French mistress was brought up in the house .
12 A Barra fisherman 's son , one of eight born to a couple who lived as squatters in a foreshore hut , ‘ was brought up in my grandfather 's across the road : ‘ I had everything in their house .
13 Richard was brought up in France at his mother 's court at Poitou .
14 Like many staunch , working class families , the Gedges were keen on discipline and Gedge was brought up in quite a rigid environment .
15 Smith was brought up in Newark in Nottinghamshire and he left his home town to study mathematics at Leeds University .
16 It is simply that I was brought up in the East of Scotland and have lived in places whither the Orangemen walketh not , neither in triumph nor provocation .
17 I was brought up in Albert Street near the Hibs ground , my whole family came from that area , my dad used to sneak into the ground at night to play football on the grass at Easter Road , and I got sent off in my own backyard .
18 A widow , now in her eighties , her husband was brought up in the house by his grandparents .
19 Dall was brought up in an engineering environment .
20 a potter by trade , was brought up in Haslemere .
21 Born of humble parents early in the twelfth century , he was brought up in the fenlands round the Wash , and early in life wandered among the shoals and quicksands round the mouth of the Welland in search of wrecks and treasure .
22 Described as ‘ kind-hearted , yet … a lively and obstinate boy , , Tom was brought up in a prosperous house ( his father was a manager of a textile firm ) and was used to a well-stocked meal table .
23 ‘ I was brought up in Nigeria , ’ he explained to the court , ‘ and when the consequences of the drought became obvious I decided to put the national interest first and perform the n'dula , a naked rain dance , on the village green .
24 The actor was brought up in Croydon not far from the family 's home and remembers how it was known as The Arsenic House and how local children were afraid of it .
25 I was brought up in liberal Anglicanism and lapsed into unbelief and active opposition before being converted in an evangelical Anglican church at the age of twenty-four .
26 He was brought up in an atmosphere of churchmanship , his revered father being a prominent layman who devoted his life to the reunification of the Anglican with the Roman church , and it was perhaps through him that he acquired what seems to have been an unconscious appreciation of the utility of goodness in public life ; one notes in his writings a tendency to equate prayer with will .
27 Although the sociologists and anthropologists are too polite to mention it , social codes in general including in these changing times whichever one was brought up in oneself by the preceding generation , can be seen from a sufficient distance to have been in large part shaped by gross delusions about the cosmos and about man , and by a brutal ignorance of everyone outside one 's own people , sex and class .
28 She , by contrast , though affection-starved , was brought up in an easy-going atmosphere .
29 Cath trained as a nurse and was brought up in Lenzie .
30 ‘ She was brought up in our convent .
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