Example sentences of "was hold in [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In his planned county palatine Gloucester was to hold in fee simple , in Cumberland the grants were to him and the heirs male of his body .
2 In his planned county palatine Gloucester was to hold in fee simple , in Cumberland the grants were to him and the heirs male of his body .
3 The eighth annual summit of the heads of state and government of the Economic Community of the Central African States was held in Bujumbura , Burundi , on May 17-18 .
4 In 1969 the first world conference of Ayrshire breeders was held in Toronto , and today the breed has spread to several African countries , Malta , Iran , Sri Lanka and Burma as well as North and South America and a dozen European countries .
5 The meeting was held in response to a crisis of confidence following the June referendum in Denmark rejecting ratification of the Maastricht Treaty [ see p. 38942 ] , the narrow majority in the September referendum in France approving ratification [ see pp. 39080-82 ] , and the European currency crisis [ ibid . ] .
6 Christie 's hold similar auctions twice a year ; the first in January — also to mark Crufts — while their most recent , ‘ Man 's Best Friend ’ , was held in July .
7 Both the Whitby Keelboat Society and the Whitby Coblemen 's Association came forward with their support , and suggested the service would be better attended if it was held in July when more of the boats would be in port .
8 A second conference — though the first international gathering for it was co-sponsored by the Centre de Pastorale Liturgique of Paris — was held in July 1951 .
9 This is an update on the consultation following the conference which was held in July nineteen ninety two I think , yes , erm and basically seeking the committee 's approval to have a follow up conference this July in the centre in and to all members of the Council to attend as erm for approved as approved duties .
10 In August 1991 a meeting of non-governmental organizations , including AI , and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees , was held in Singapore .
11 The second ministerial meeting of the 12-member Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation ( APEC ) group was held in Singapore on July 30-31 .
12 A general election was held in Singapore on Aug. 31 .
13 The first International Conference on Nutrition ( ICN ) was held in Rome on Dec. 5-11 , when ministerial delegations from 160 countries met with representatives of another 160 food and health organizations to consider ways of developing a better global food and medical aid policy .
14 The 10th party congress of the German Communist Party ( Deutsche Kommunistische Partei — DKP ) was held in Dortmund in late March 1990 .
15 A general election was held in Tonga on Feb. 15 and resulted in an unexpected victory for members of the island 's dissident pro-democracy movement .
16 The eighth ASEAN-European Communities ( EC ) meeting was held in Kuching , Sarawak , Malaysia , on Feb. 16-17 , 1990 .
17 The first Congress for which the new leadership was responsible was held in Torquay in 1983 .
18 Another round of talks was held in Roatán on July 9 , 1990 ; on both occasions the Belizean delegation included representatives of the government and of the opposition UDP .
19 On Dec. 10 the founding session of a " Green parliament " was held in Krakow with the participation of ecological groups from throughout Poland .
20 The 20th congress of the ruling Mongolian People 's Revolutionary Party ( MPRP ) was held in Ulan Bator , the capital , on Feb. 25-28 [ for 19th congress in 1986 see pp. 34677-78 ; for extraordinary congress in April 1990 see p. 37374 ] .
21 A two-day plenum of the Mongolian People 's Revolutionary Party ( MPRP ) was held in Ulan Bator , the capital , on July 29-30 .
22 The 21st congress of the Mongolian People 's Revolutionary Party ( MPRP — the principal component of the government coalition ) was held in Ulan Bator on Feb. 26-29 .
23 That was until about a year ago when the last Silicon party was held in Utrecht .
24 I refer to Spitting Image ( ITV ) , which last time round was held in check until the polls had safely closed , but this time was allowed an outing on Wednesday while the electorate were still technically making up their minds .
25 But while ostentation was held in check , Lacroix 's artisan touches imbued these clothes with a special charm .
26 Some protection is afforded by the practice of requiring the plaintiff to give an express undertaking not to use the information obtained without first seeking the leave of the court , and it was held in Tate Access Floors Inc .
27 The Countess Marie 's denial of the existence of love in marriage is " dated " to May 1174 — the one date in the whole book when Eleanor was held in Chinon Castle , her husband 's prisoner .
28 A secret summit meeting of top government and party leaders was held in China early in the month and this was followed by a visit to Beijing by one of Vietnam 's most senior leaders .
29 In September a secret meeting of government and party leaders was held in China , and later that month Vice-Premier Vo Nguyen Giap openly visited Beijing .
30 Brunei assumed the chair of the Association of South-East Asian Nations ( ASEAN ) in mid-1988 , as a result of which the annual Foreign Ministers ' meeting was held in Bandar Seri Begawan in July 1989 [ see p. 36817 ] .
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