Example sentences of "was see [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The British government was seen as completely dominated by Jewish interests since the Marconi scandal , with Isaacs , Montagu and Mond allegedly pulling the strings behind Lloyd George .
2 Finally and perhaps most importantly , Lovell criticised the narrowness of Lacanian psychoanalytic concerns because of their focus on the construction of individual subjectivity rather than on ways in which a collective subject can be constituted , and because the Lacanian subject was seen as ultimately powerless .
3 After victory over China in 1895 made territorial control a reality , the haphazard search for political and economic influence ( direct or indirect ) of earlier years became a systematic one , in which emulation of Western imperialism was seen as both practicable and desirable .
4 At a time when scientific advance was seen as universally beneficial , the nuclear industry was judged to be at the cutting edge of technological endeavour .
5 Despite explanations that the various options had been carefully considered in advance in anticipation of a disappointing ballot result , her action was seen as yet further evidence of the style of government which had helped precipitate the leadership crisis .
6 The merger failed because , in the post-Westland environment it was seen as yet another sop to the United States , and more specifically , because GM insisted that Land Rover should be included in the package with Leyland Vehicles .
7 The star system , that ‘ Hollywood poison ’ , according to Hugh Castle , was seen as yet another concession to the masses , for , as Clifford Howard explained , ‘ the crowd ( and it is the crowd that supports the movies ) can not appreciate entertainment in the abstract , any more than it can thus appreciate art or religion ’ .
8 Its lack of a well-developed indigenous middle class to act as a focus for a national identity meant that the failure of the nobility to resist partition was seen as exactly that : not a failure of the Polish people , but a failure of the Polish nobility .
9 In this sense , the military was seen as simply part of the nation 's organizational structure under party control and direction , like everyone else .
10 It was seen as particularly acute in June for S4 pupils .
11 The decision was seen as particularly embarrassing for Aquino as the original charge had been selected because of its severity , in an attempt to deter further coup attempts by demonstrating a new determination to punish insurrectionists .
12 Kerrey 's withdrawal was seen as particularly good news for Clinton as it offered the prospect of removing from the campaign the rancorous legacy of the Vietnam war .
13 A place at grammar school was seen as hardly more genuinely open to everyone than a fee-paying place at a public school ; and so the move towards comprehensive schools was made , largely on grounds of justice .
14 Admittedly war with the USSR was seen as only a distant possibility .
15 When ‘ criminals ’ were seen to include protesters against war , pollution and the infringement of minority rights , or people who preferred cannabis to alcohol , such a view was seen as highly offensive .
16 Given these relatively small amounts of out-of-hours worked we wondered why duty was seen as so stressful ?
17 Although company policy , especially among the larger cartels , was seen as politically neutral , in practice the links between German business and political life were very close indeed .
18 Amongst the physical science students , however , personal utility was seen as crucially important , although sometimes social utility and personal utility were confused , students not distinguishing between the two .
19 Thus the loss was seen as mainly symbolic in that the school was regarded as a ‘ natural ’ part of the way of life in the community but no particular evidence was used in its support .
20 There had been some 400,000 arrivals since the 1988 elections ( including 240,000 from the former Soviet Union ) , and 240,000 of them were eligible to vote , which was seen as possibly a decisive factor in what was expected to be a close electoral contest .
21 Washington was seen as insufficiently appreciative of British efforts , nor was its main ally always properly consulted before major foreign-policy decisions were taken which affected its interests .
22 In both Classical and Christian thinking mysticism represents a way back to the source of being , but in Christian thinking from the fourth century on , the gulf between Creator and created was seen as mysteriously bridged by the love of God incarnate in Jesus Christ , God 's Word , the expression of himself manifest in time , which , in turn , enables human knowledge and love which are the way back .
23 He admitted , though , that Labour was seen as too producer-oriented : ‘ We should be able to give a value to unpolluted air , clean water , a safe environment , as the end-products of economic activity . ’
24 Work itself with its complicated fluctuation of task was seen as too complicated for a worker to understand and the belief was that only management could do so .
25 His own popularity had declined amongst the Chinese people and he was seen as too old and unwell for the job .
26 Reich was seen as too political in his work and was eventually removed from the International Psychoanalytic movement .
27 Moreover , it was seen as too generous at a time when those parties had become more extreme .
28 The only possible arts organization , the National Association for Education in the Arts ( NAEA ) , was seen as too diffuse in its objectives and interests , and too uncertain in its arts educational stance to be useful in this respect .
29 Oil-spill experts from a number of countries flew into the area to assist with cleaning-up operations , which were largely limited to defending the intakes of desalination plants with the use of booms and " skimmer " vessels ; the slick was seen as too large for practical use of chemical dispersants , which might in any case damage marine life , and the best hope for its dispersal lay in a combination of the natural processes of evaporation and breakdown by marine bacteria .
30 In Britain the new anatomy was seen as especially threatening because the traditional sources of power and influence had committed themselves to Paley 's argument from design .
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