Example sentences of "was make [adj] for " in BNC.

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1 Only when transport was made available for some other reason did journalists — meaning , as a rule , Government journalists — get a chance to report news from Zambia 's rural areas .
2 The pathfinder prospectus was made available for public viewing on March 16 , and the full prospectus will be released on March 24 .
3 With the discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls , however , a corpus of Essene material was made available for the first time , and it is now possible to assess the Essenes on their own terms .
4 Part of this land was used for council housing but , as North Tyneside CDP ( 1978a ) makes clear , much was made available for the building of private housing .
5 In ‘ Partnership ’ , again local authority-owned land was made available for private development , but the new dwellings were reserved for 12 weeks at a stipulated price for purchasers falling into a restricted set of categories of which the most important were first-time buyers on the housing waiting list and households from slum-cleared areas .
6 Of this amount , SDR24,400,000 ( $32,200,000 ) would be available under the first annual arrangement , of which the first semiannual loan of SDR9,150,000 ( $12,100,000 ) was made available for disbursement on June 15 , 1990 .
7 France was the main foreign influence : French military advisers came to establish military training schools , the French language was made compulsory for all students , and libraries of mainly French books were opened .
8 Medical inspection was made compulsory for all children .
9 At the same time it was made illegal for anyone who was not fully medically qualified and registered to treat these diseases .
10 It was made easy for me .
11 The job of promoting the LP was made simple for Red Rhino when the band decided to call the album ‘ George Best ’ in a tribute to the flamboyant Manchester United and Northern Ireland winger .
12 It was closed in 1968 by British Railways and subsequently purchased by East Lothian District Council in 1978 , and was made suitable for cycling and walking during 1986/87 .
13 I was made sorry for her at first , as I would be for any young girl , crippled — it is hinted by the cruelty of her husband — and a mother , but even at the beginning there is a niggling doubt that she is rather superficial and shallow .
14 In Moscow , Red Square was made ready for the triumphalist May Day parade .
15 As this was fastened and he was made ready for departure , the prince for the first time seemed ill-at-ease — as if only then did he sense the poignancy of the moment and was after all loath to go .
16 So Tyrion was made ready for battle .
17 The tug refloated the vessel , towed her to a sheltered anchorage where she was made fit for the tow to Hong Kong , and thereafter towed her for four days to docks in Hong Kong .
18 He was made responsible for marine operations , an area of the business totally new to him .
19 All eight members of the board of the Corporation were appointed by the Governor , and a director was made responsible for the day-today management of the service .
20 On the line 's completion in 1841 Gooch was made responsible for the construction of branch lines to Heywood , Oldham , Halifax , and Ashton-under-Lyne .
21 In the following year he was made responsible for the new shrine which Henry III was beginning for Edward the Confessor .
22 An NPP Operations Manager , Mr. Yankov , was made responsible for its completion and he quickly identified a co-ordinator and a full list of authors .
23 Thereafter ( i ) the Foreign Affairs portfolio was taken by de Maizière ; ( ii ) Health Minister Jürgen Kleditzsch took responsibility for Labour and Social Affairs ; ( iii ) Education and Science Minister Hans-Joachim Meier took responsibility for Research and Technology ; ( iv ) Lothar Engel was made responsible for Trade and Tourism ; ( v ) Hans-Jürgen Niehof took responsibility for Posts and Telecommunications ; and ( vi ) Kauffold was replaced by Gottfried Haschke at the Ministry of Food , Agriculture and Forestry .
24 Vito Lattanzio , Italian Minister for Civil Protection , was made responsible for emergency measures and on March 9 the food and shelter supplied by central government began to reach Brindisi .
25 Hanrott was made responsible for the first ‘ Council ’ visits , at which they saw some quite ‘ unsuitable environments ’ , information from these visits being fed at first into the subject boards rather than into the Council itself' .
26 Each sector was made responsible for its net revenue results ; previously , there had been no responsibility for overall profit and loss below the level of the chief executive .
27 In due course the CVR was made mandatory for UK registered aircraft , with a revised channel allocation to take full advantage of the ‘ hot mike ’ system .
28 In July 1989 wearing helmets was made mandatory for pedal cyclists .
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