Example sentences of "was not [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 All was not lost for Rovers , when substitute Marcus Stewart claimed another .
2 ‘ I was not fishing for compliments ! ’
3 A progressive tax on the more productive regions and peasants might have been more just and welcome from the political point of view , but it was not applied for fear of removing the incentive to sow from the better-placed peasants .
4 However , the effect was not dissimilar to a wash trade , if we assume that the option writer was not acting for bona fide commercial motives , but solely to support the share price .
5 Faced with four alternative approaches to valuation — whether it should be based on capital values , rental values , maintenance costs or rebuilding costs — its choice was not to go for one of them , or even a mixture of two of them , but to go for all four of them .
6 However , the company was not prosecuted for the fact that four people died , but because the machinery was not properly maintained ; they were fined £5,000 .
7 Mr Fagan , who was 30 at the time , was not prosecuted for the trespass after the Director of Public Prosecutions ruled there was no evidence that the trespass was a criminal offence .
8 One of Jacob Rothschild 's first decisions as Chairman of the National Heritage Memorial Fund was not to acquire for the nation the most comprehensive collection in England of naive art shop signs , weather vanes , country furniture , marine samplers and quilts , made between 1750 and 1900 offered by dealer/collector Andras Kalman .
9 To his surprise , he was not asked for McLean : ‘ Widening gulf ’ details of the attacks , but about the origins of the SMG 's involvement with the case , which had originally been referred to the SMG by the council .
10 Culturalists will point out — as C. S. Lewis once did — that much poetry of the past was not written for aesthetic ends , but for religious , political , or other social purposes .
11 The house was not vacated for several months .
12 She expected him to keep looking over his shoulder to make sure that all the fuss was not intended for the man behind .
13 Set in a ‘ green and silent spot , amid the hills ’ , it was not intended for the Lyrical Ballads , but was a political meditation inspired by fears of a French invasion .
14 The SPAR system was not intended for use in practical applications , but was written to test a specific version of the hypothesis that a shallow processing approach to NLP , of relying heavily on linguistic knowledge and limiting the extent and use of world knowledge , can usually achieve accurate results in ambiguity resolution .
15 I suggested that if there was money available from sponsors that was not intended for the development of rugby , then it might be used as a way of rewarding the squad .
16 It was designed to be a communication between experts , discussing technical issues within their own subject field and hence was not intended for ’ public consumption ’ .
17 They have , of course , heard about the Holy Spirit , but have either put it all down to typical ecclesiastical in-talk , or assumed that it was not intended for ordinary folk like themselves .
18 He was educated at Mill Hill School under Dr Thorowgood and was not intended for any profession until family losses made it necessary .
19 It is likely that Gorbachev 's Mediterranean initiative was not intended for serious negotiation .
20 It was not intended for the man or woman at the receiving end but for the author 's fellow elitists .
21 But Robin-Anne did not react , and I looked down to see that she was not watching for the new day , but was crying .
22 She was not prepared for , although not surprised by , Miss Bedwelty 's forthright reaction when she saw the animals in the refrigerator factory .
23 What he was not prepared for by his previous nursing experience was the lengths to which the staff in his ward had taken the system .
24 I could see from the diagram how the back of the work should look , what I was not prepared for was how the front of the work could look .
25 But I was not prepared for the raking over of academic arguments on defining poverty around when John Moore , then Secretary of State for Social Services , said poverty no longer existed .
26 He was not prepared for anything so impressive .
27 He was not prepared for what he saw .
28 She was not prepared for a very similar question being thrown at her .
29 Her own sense of failure was projected into others in order to ward off a depression about herself which finally overwhelmed her and was not to lift for some years .
30 Lepine was not cremated for a few days yet , until after the despatch of a couple of his victims also being tended to at the Côte-Des-Neiges cemetery , opposite the mountain , alongside the University of Montreal , where Marc Lepine joined his victims in the silence at the centre .
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