Example sentences of "was a [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was a catch-all for every kind of opinion which was literally in any way remarkable . ’
2 I thought he was joking but it was a far from laughing matter .
3 In the East the Russian and Swedish forces were remarkable for their national character and resulting homogeneity ; and every Russo-Turkish war was a religious at least as much as a political struggle to the ordinary soldier on both sides .
4 Fast and clever , Roy was a typical inside man of his day , but he was better than most and had a successful career with Palace , providing the ideal foil to the mercurial Johnny Byrne and helping to make us a respected side in Division 3 before leaving for Portsmouth in the summer of 1963 .
5 All he wanted was a belly-full of berries and a chance to bully the small birds .
6 There would be time to get back to his books later , so like many others , he rolled up his sleeves and before long , he was a cocky with the best of them , and the farm prospered .
7 For 1693 there was a lay of £140 of which Roger paid sums totalling £25 : 10s. : 9d .
8 Their venue was a multinational with huge plate glass windows overlooking Lake Geneva .
9 An important manoeuvre was a stop-off by Mr Mladenov in Moscow early this month on his way to an official visit to China .
10 And it was a simple as that .
11 Discipline was a failing during Barrow 's years at Warrington , but there are signs that Brian Johnson has aggression under control and is about to tap the club 's potential .
12 But the first time she 'd spoken to Colin he 'd told her there was a hi-tech at the manufacturer 's end , and the second time the shop had been closed .
13 She remembers being in a kids ' dance troupe called the Wee Winkies when she was a seven-year-old in Chicago , she enjoyed a run of successes on the TV talent show Star Search , and she was eventually spotted by Prince dancing in a Los Angeles nightclub .
14 but we have shaved the bollocks of a bloke in T A , he was a right like Tintin , so we , we pinned him and shaved his bollocks and then put after shave over it .
15 I said I thought he was a right in fact I 've never seen Sally like it before I said I felt quite really
16 In the dining area of the bare brick Kitchen there was a stirring in the pool of lethargy .
17 He was a Georgian by birth ; did he , then , share the fierce nationalistic pride of his fellow-countrymen , or had his orphanage moulded him into one of the bland , rootless vegetables who regarded themselves as Soviet citizens ?
18 The word ‘ customer ’ was a turn-off to Nigel .
19 He was a employed by Dorrisons I think as a recovery bloke , you know
20 Dawson Fur Fabrics continued to grow its fleece fabric sales during the year , although there was a weakening in the European export business in the fourth quarter of the financial year .
21 There was a buzzing in her ears .
22 George Hirst would contribute in all three departments : his left-arm inswing from round the wicket would give variety to the attack , he could make runs quickly ( never mind that a large proportion would come from pull shots off the stumps ) , and was a superb mid-off fieldsman .
23 This payment was a fine for disturbing the deer when they were supposed to be fawning .
24 If I was a Christian at all — and I was n't sure that I was — I thought I was probably a custard Christian .
25 He was a Christian for many years but quite unable to forget that he had once been ‘ an infidel and libertine , a servant of slaves in Africa ’ .
26 The defence argument was that this was a preliminary to ‘ conventional ’ intercourse , and that if the husband was exempt from liability for rape , he should equally be exempt from liability for indecent assault .
27 Description of social conditions was a preliminary to political reform .
28 This was a preliminary to withdrawing Communist candidates from all but two of the contests in the General Election .
29 So where there was a potential for conflict between national and state , the court sided with the national .
30 I need n't be frightened of the mole-woman : she 'd be too busy making beds and totting up last night 's proceeds to wonder whether I was a truant from a Youth Custody Centre or a prostitute on an overnight break .
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