Example sentences of "was be [verb] with " in BNC.

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1 Within minutes , the Austrian goalkeeper , Franz Wohlfahrt , was being pelted with missiles , including 5ft iron bars torn from the perimeter fence , one of which appeared to hit him on the back .
2 My father went to a police station that evening after work to report the threatening telephone call and the fact that his son was being threatened with extreme violence .
3 Beyond them , a narrow fold in the hillside was being filled with rubbish to provide space for a car park .
4 Despite the assurances of the Director of his Department that he was favourably looked upon , and despite the fact that there was no doubt that at his office he was being treated with a subtle air of respect , nothing formal or official about his promotion had been announced ; and as he knew very well , a change of Directorship , a shift in Government economic policy , even a chill wind in international relations , could mean the end of his hopes .
5 Two days later , Allitt helped a doctor make up a drug he was being treated with and was left alone in the treatment room while the doctor saw another patient , said Mr Goldring .
6 For a moment he savoured their saltiness and then he seemed to register that her body was being racked with sobs .
7 I stopped eating , wondering what new surprise I was being presented with .
8 This afternoon he was being presented with the Banbridge District Plaque by council chairman Drew Nelson , and among the congratulatory telegrams was one from Buckingham Palace .
9 Cllr Cooper , who finished her term as Lord Mayor last month , was being presented with her award in a silver anniversary lunch at the Russell Hotel .
10 However , even a century ago the Breton type was being crossed with the Friesian , though the pure Breton was regarded as the ‘ Ayrshire of France in its role as a good yielder on poor grazing .
11 yeah but he do n't get done , he does n't get done , that is the problem , the kids do n't , I 've written a letter to Mr yesterday , why they were waiting for the games teacher he was hitting Geoffrey and he gave him a dead leg , kneeing him in the leg , he said before drama , he 's got drama tomorrow he says he hates drama because the teacher takes no notice , he said one week Stuart was hitting me with a stick and the teacher just said calm down you boys , and he was being hit with a stick oh no and this I find totally disgusting and I feel like complaining about this , one of the teachers and I do n't know whether its drama yeah I think it was drama and
12 ‘ His assistant , then , ’ Shae returned a little impatiently , struck by a strange feeling that she was being toyed with .
13 I caught myself wondering how I would feel if I knew I was being transfused with the blood of someone of 85 : would it be strong enough ?
14 ‘ In the second place , then , ’ said Mahmoud quietly , recognizing that he was being fenced with .
15 They were , in fact , star workers whose performance on the shop floor was being rewarded with a weekend in paradise .
16 The bond between the two men had been established quickly , but was being strengthened with slow , deliberate precision .
17 In the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries this cursive italic style gained ground as an alternative to secretary , although as Hector says ( op cit ) , ‘ By 1600 it was being written with such magnificent disregard of any calligraphical rules that it might be illegible to the writer 's contemporaries and compatriots . ’
18 It seems to have been about then that he mentioned for the first time that he thought he was being poisoned with acqua toffana ( a notorious Italian poison ) .
19 In addition to a steady flow of Western social , political , economic , and scientific works , contact was being made with Western radical organizations , including the first International , and an expanding body of Russian social criticism was becoming available .
20 As Doctor Who swung into production , envious eyes in the Children 's Department studied its apparently lavish costume and set provisions , distinctly convinced that the programme was being made with an inflated budget won at the expense of cutbacks in standard children 's output .
21 The green alliance of the Green party and the Generation Ecologie , which only a couple of months ago was being credited with nearly 20 per cent of the vote , suffered a severe disappointment in seeing its projected score drop to 8.5 per cent — five less than its vote in last year 's regional elections .
22 Over at the Department of Trade and Industry the news that Francesca would not be back before Thursday morning was being received with open dismay .
23 It was a story close to his heart and dated back to 1964 , before the Vietnam War was being viewed with quite the same violent passions it was arousing in the late Sixties .
24 The collection of information about clients ' backgrounds and their ‘ problems ’ , and about carers , would likewise permit greater confidence that like was being compared with like ( or point to interesting differences ) , and enable some analysis of the matching of responses to needs .
25 The most important thing — of course — was being seen with the right people , and the Mirza Nama opens with a salutary warning : ‘ He [ the mirza ] must not speak to every unworthy person , and should regard men of his own class as the only [ fit ] companions [ for him ] . ’
26 They rang ‘ Kelly ’ as the show was being transmitted with a wacky tale of how the lights in their house had suddenly began flickering and a music carousel started playing .
27 Meanwhile , the country was being flooded with rifles run in through French Somaliland with the connivance of French officials .
28 ‘ There have been moments during the argument in this case when it appeared to be suggested that the court was being confronted with a grave case involving what is called a right of public meeting .
29 It was this seat that was being repaired with new wood , which was then stained and waxed .
30 This indicated to her that she was being associated with occult and New Age practitioners , since becoming a registered Aromatherapist .
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