Example sentences of "was tell [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 John Reilly , 47 , took three plastic sacks from the driveway of Sunday Times managing editor Roger Eglin 's home in Teddington , west London , nearby Isleworth Crown Court was told during a two-day trial .
2 Frank Sinatra was told at the weekend that the four pasta sauces named after him are being withdrawn .
3 I was told at the time that this system had been adopted because it was impossible to fit a mechanical servo as fitted to the Series III without major surgery ,
4 His misery drove him to the theatre again , uselessly ; he had used up Dinah 's tickets , and was told at the box office that all seats were sold out .
5 I was told at the Bar that in section 25 application cases hearsay evidence was regarded in some family proceedings courts as not admissible .
6 The crimps were of course very active and I was told at the time that they would be paid as much as two pounds for every man whom they recruited .
7 The People 's Liberation Army was told at the National People 's Congress in March to meet its financial needs by making a profit out of business operations … it sounds close to privatising the armed forces .
8 The controversy came to a head this weekend in the annual Town versus Gown match in Oxford , when Jodi Evans was told at the last minute that she could n't play in the men 's game .
9 So in 1818 when a doctor called Herbert was told of a young man living on the island of Fetlar in the Shetland Islands off the north of Scotland who had been deaf and blind from birth , he hastened to see this object of curiosity for himself .
10 At Qinghua University , I was told of a ‘ suicide building ’ where thirteen students had leapt to their death that year , mostly because of failure in love .
11 Colt was told of a target and an address .
12 When he was told of a young man who wished to become a poet , Eliot replied , " He 's getting ready for a sad life " , and Ronald Duncan said that during this period he looked " miserable and unwell " and " began to affect many signs of premature old age " .
13 The Committee was told of a backlog of maintenance .
14 The court was told of a catalogue of filthy practises in the kitchen , but one of the owners says he 's been harshly treated
15 As an illustration of how it can occur , the field-worker was told of an incident in which a driver was asked to stop for failing to wear a seat-belt , upon which he sped off , necessitating a car chase , which eventually ended with two cars being wrecked and a policeman injured .
16 Andrew Tomas , researcher and author , during his stay in India was told of an ancient document preserved in an Indian Prince 's library at Ujjain and listed as Agastya Samhita , which gives directions for making electrical batteries .
17 In fact , I was told of an occasion when a power-pole had to be replaced because a woodpecker had dug a hole ‘ you could hide a beer can in ’ , as my informant said !
18 A jury at Bristol crown court was told of an insurance policy paying six thousands pounds a year until their children grew up .
19 When he was told of the hierarchy 's opposition to any bill of this kind , Dr Browne , himself secularly inclined , submitted his proposals and arguments to the hierarchy for approval , just as a previous Health Minister , Dr Walsh , had consulted Archbishop McQuaid on a similar matter in 1946 .
20 Mr Endara was told of the planned attack , and asked for his support , which he apparently granted , saying that he was ready to become the new leader if the US could topple the Noriega regime .
21 While Miller was preparing the Kalendar , he was told of the ‘ ungenerous intention ’ of others to use Dictionary information for the same purpose , ‘ upon which I was the more intent to have it published before such a design could be accomplished by any other hand , which was not very difficult for me to do , having a complete Diary of my own , so that I had little more to do than to transcribe my loose papers and dispose them into the method wherein they are here presented to the world . ’
22 Scott was told of the effect of Ruskin 's intervention over Freeman 's letter in The Times by George Dasent , the assistant editor , which coupled with the tone of the letter to Dallas ensured that by late 1859 there was a complete breach between Scott and Ruskin .
23 A court in Cleveland , Ohio was told of the extraordinary inventiveness , not to mention athleticism , that coloured the sex life of Dr David Love and his wife Virginia who , on at least three occasions , made love hanging from a window of their fourth floor apartment .
24 She was told of the importance of completing the course , even though her cellulitis appeared to be improving .
25 After his sensational ( and bloodthirsty ? ) triumph over the priests of Baal on Mount Carmel , he was told of the threat to his life by Ahab 's foreign queen Jezebel , and decided to flee down to the desert around Mount Sinai , the home of many prophets and a place of pilgrimage for many more .
26 I was told of the story by a friend who knew the old platelayer who we shall call Fred .
27 One friend who was told of the contents of the letter reveals : ‘ He told her in no uncertain terms that she had to help maintain the dignity of the Crown and consider the repercussions of her actions to the Queen .
28 Mother-of-two Lesley Adams , 28 , gassed herself in her car at her Plymouth home , hours after she was told of the allegation by her boss .
29 ‘ Each year seems to bring a new craze , anything but study ’ , he continued , as I was told of the ‘ talking about reform ’ craze in 1985 , before the student unrest ; that of democracy in 1986 ; falling in love in 1987 ; and in 1988 the preoccupation with ‘ doing business ’ .
30 Referee Bob Nixon was told of the outburst and immediately showed the red card to the big target man .
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