Example sentences of "was now [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 She knew by the temperature that it was now about the sixth hour .
2 The boot was now on the other foot in the Middle East where the Americans were the critics and Britain was shouldering the primary responsibility for the stability of the area .
3 If society had been worried about the juvenile delinquency problem of the Fifties , as portrayed in The Wild One , Blackboard Jungle and Rebel Without a Cause , it was now on the precipice of sheer panic about drug-crazed beatniks and hippies whom the establishment and Time regarded with derision , as did its stablemate Life .
4 The emphasis was now on the proliferation of high-capacity small-scale computers capable of greater versatility than the older machines , lending themselves to the formation of networks , and many of them deliberately designed for easy access , so that much of the mystique was being dispelled .
5 Play on that , stress the suggestion in the new report that the improved craft was now on the verge of orbital flight , and it presented a real threat to the past achievements and the future development of all aero-space research .
6 Mosley , genu-inely puzzled by growing Jewish hostility to the BUF , asked A.K. Chesterton who was now on the Headquarters staff to examine the influence of Jews in British Society .
7 The focus was now on the South , where despite ever-increasing American aid the West was not ‘ winning the war ’ .
8 SUPPLYKITS was now on the London Stock Exchange : the share price had risen to thirty-three shillings .
9 The government of the Peoples National Movement were sworn in on Friday , October 26 , 1956 , its first aim achieved , it was now on the road toward its foremost goal , full internal self-government and the elimination of colonialism .
10 I was now at the stage of selling things to keep the cash flow going .
11 I was now at the mercy of others and nobody in a position of authority had , so far , shown any great desire to help .
12 The old stock had given ‘ sterling service ’ over the years but was now at the end of its useful life and becoming notorious for rattling windows and engine noise .
13 She tipped the cassette box out on the floor and jumbled them all back what she 'd not heard for ages was now at the top .
14 Mrs Quigley was now at the head of the stairs .
15 The establishment of time was now of the essence ; conflicting evidence came from all quarters .
16 It was now of the utmost importance for the Unionists to clarify their own position ; Balfour 's pledge had been a conditional one and was not in any case binding on his successor , but the unpopularity of food taxes remained .
17 If the accounts of British politics between 1832 and 1867 pointed to the sovereignty of Parliament , then the accounts that came to the fore after that period made the additional point that the sovereignty of the people was behind this and was now of the constitutional and political essence .
18 The ambassador reported that " The Emperor is monitoring the serious political illness which has gripped all countries , and believes his empire very far from being immune from infection " ; Nicholas was now of the opinion that " Highly reprehensible principles have been disseminated among young people who completed their university courses around three years ago , among people who have lived abroad for a long time , and also among teachers , professors , writers and journalists .
19 It was now for the Tories to try to form a Government .
20 Music was now for the young , not the middle aged : folk had taken over from jazz as the language of the radical and the sentimental .
21 I remember when my school opened , or just before it did , erm I got the staff together for a conference for a day , and got another East Sussex Head , James Quinn , who came along and talked to them , and one of the things he said was now for the next week or two , whatever John Werner says goes .
22 Yes , the man was now across the road , walking towards the village with as casual a mien as he could muster .
23 He was now in the CID in the city and somewhat tentatively asked what subject I was reading .
24 As we watched a German soldier — his hands above his head — one hand holding the white flag , was now in the centre of the road , facing in our direction ; he beckoned us to approach .
25 Jones was now in the twilight of a complex and often controversial career .
26 The effect was the same : junk was suddenly less attractive , and anyway much of it was now in the hands of federal rescue agencies keen to sell as quickly as possible .
27 as if in answer to the prophecy I had written in Amsterdam in the Hotel Brabant after visiting the exhibition of Picasso 's Guernica , I was now in the very presence of love itself , in the form of the hero imagined there and then .
28 Next in the betting on 19–5 was Bob Back , who earlier in the season had sprung a surprise by beating Pebbles and Commanche Run at Royal Ascot , though Pebbles had got her revenge in the Eclipse ; he had been trained in England by Michael Jarvis , but was now in the care of Angel Penna in the USA .
29 It was now in the business of producing ‘ white and pottery tissue , double and crown and cap papers ’ .
30 On 7 July Amedeo wrote a card to his mother telling her , somewhat cruelly , that as Italy was now in the war , he had thought that he might be called back for military service , even though he was an invalid and had felt a slight desire to return to Italy .
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