Example sentences of "was [being] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 A 31-year-old man was being questioned in Bristol yesterday .
2 THE 12-year-old boy who was being questioned in connection with the murder of two-year-old James Bulger was released from custody and eliminated from police inquiries last night .
3 Democracy was being rekindled in Germany long before a West German government was created .
4 Parliament duly emerged , at the end of the seventeenth century , ‘ sovereign ’ in this sense , but it is doubtful if , in doing so , the claim was being formulated in its full , modern sense .
5 When the second national curriculum was being formulated in the 1980s , this tradition was in retreat .
6 Up to 10 times more taxpayers ' money was being invested in a single CTC than in all the county schools in the surrounding area , he said .
7 Breakfast was being prepared in the kitchens .
8 The Welsh were not suffering alone : A stockpile of sandbags was being prepared in north Devon last night after it was badly hit by flash floods .
9 Such was done last year when the Arthritis Foundation , a non-profit organisation that focuses on that disease , persuaded both the House and Senate that arthritis research was being neglected in NIH 's National Institute of Arthritis , Diabetes , and Digestive and Kidney Diseases .
10 A new approach was being mooted in the heaving undergrowth of ultra-left literature .
11 The State Council spokesman , Yuan Mu , said on Jan. 10 that a policy of " leniency " was being adopted in the trials , which were closed to foreign observers .
12 A different drama was being enacted in his mind .
13 In the meantime , Dustin was being honoured in other quarters .
14 During the seventeenth century in England " gilt plate " , its weight carefully graded to accord with the importance and traditional status of the ruler who , through his representative , was being honoured in this way , was the most normal gift .
15 A Western consultancy attempting to track down the money lost in this way said that much of it was being deposited in foreign banks .
16 Nevertheless what was being demonstrated in the course of 1945 was that — whatever the feelings of affinity that might exist between Britain and the United States — a substantial relationship could not endure without a strong sense of common interests and above all a sense of exposure to common dangers .
17 This area is part of a larger block which was being remapped in order to complete the 1:250 000 compilation of the region .
18 The same report , reversing the earlier legend excusing the Führer because he was being kept in the dark by his underlings in the Party , added : ‘ Even the Führer has lost much sympathy among the people because he has apparently let himself be taken in by his Party people and does not seem to notice what things are like in the State today . ’
19 Indeed , in the author 's own village the parish register was being kept in Latin as late as 1657 .
20 Last year Amnesty heard that Orton Chirwa , who has died in prison in Malawi , aged 73 , was being kept in a squatting position in handcuffs and leg-irons , which were chained to an iron-bar behind his knees .
21 He had also promised Mr Harvey that he would go to Maythorpe House and make sure that all was being kept in order there .
22 KOO Stark , a former girlfriend of the Duke of York , was being kept in hospital last night after being involved in a road accident in London .
23 However , by the mid-eighteenth century this pine was being raised in this country by Lord Weymouth , Sir Wyndham Knatchbull in Kent and by the Duke of Argyll at Whitton , where large quantities of cones were produced annually , ‘ which his Grace did most generously distributte to all the curious . ’
24 They lowered the Air Force ensign , but as the flag of the Royal Ornance Corps was being raised in its place it fell off .
25 By the time I arrived , breathless , my hat was being borne in triumph through the traffic to be presented to me .
26 He first ventured into retailing in 1964 because he was so disenchanted with the way his furniture was being displayed in the shops to which he supplied .
27 If the BBC really was being run in the ‘ national interest ’ , what benefit could competition bring ?
28 Unknown to the shop 's owners , the new business was being run in the upstairs room where Miss Trenholm 's blood-stained body was found .
29 Unknown to the shop 's managers , the new business was being run in the upstairs room where Miss Trenholm 's blood stained body was found .
30 It left her free to be moved by the whole range of feeling , which was fragmented by personal action : the enmeshed lovers , the pleasure of the children , the beauty of her daughter , the fondling of the gentle night air , the great sky deepening gradually but surely , as it was being veiled in film on film of darker blues and velvets , it was all for her .
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