Example sentences of "was [not/n't] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 It was easier for workers and their organisations to accept private property and industrial capitalism where economic inequity was not compounded by apparently hopeless social stratification .
2 Nevertheless , as Gordon Phillips has argued , the pattern of trade union activity and industrial relations was not altered by the General Strike .
3 Therefore the clearance of G17 was not altered by the eradication of H pylori .
4 By contrast , the expression of the α v containing fibronectin binding integrin was reduced to 53% by treatment with DNJ but was not altered by DMJ .
5 Expression of the α v chain mediating adhesion of fibronectin was not altered by DMJ treatment but was reduced to 53% by DNJ .
6 Her right to maintenance was not lost by desertion .
7 The Law Lords held that this publication was protected by qualified privilege : the Council had a duty to leap to the General 's defence , and the privilege was not lost by the fact of world-wide publication , because " a man who makes a statement on the floor of the House of Commons makes it to all the world … it was only plain justice to the General that the ambit of contradiction should be spread so wide as , if possible , to meet the false accusation wherever it went . "
8 The Empire was not built by allowing things to get out of place .
9 The convention established the International Civil Aviation Organization with its headquarters in Montreal and set up a secretariat which would become a most effective machine for ensuring that a rapidly developing civil aviation industry was not hampered by the red tape generated by the hundreds of frontiers that would have to be crossed .
10 He went on to recommend a temporary suspension of TV services until these became more Zambian in content , then making a remark which — though a wild exaggeration — was not challenged by any other member , not even by the Minister .
11 Whatever the answer , the western bend of the Murray , some 100 miles north-east of Adelaide , was not reached by an overland route until October of that year , when at least two parties , including one from the survey department , are recorded as having made it .
12 I think it dawned on him then for the first time that there were two streams , and that the pond was not formed by Burden Creek .
13 But in the early summer of 1986 review panels at MIT and at Tufts ( which was in the process of hiring Dr Imanishi-Kari ) both concluded that the paper 's main finding was not affected by Dr O'Toole 's criticisms and that no published corrections were required .
14 The quality of honey was not affected by the mite , he said , but production could be hit if numbers of the mites multiplied rapidly throughout the country .
15 But Gallup says it was not affected by the CBS promotion .
16 Route 16/18 , Embankment — Croydon — Purley was not affected by any of the changes going on .
17 In the eighth and ninth centuries the killing age of domestic animals was earlier in rural contexts , whereas at Hamwic the bones do not reveal such early mortality , implying that the town , divorced from the wild , was not affected by the immediate hazards of the land .
18 The [ ClO ] change per uptake current was not affected by raising [ Na + ] from 0 to 30mM to reduce the fractional change of [ Na + ] i produced by uptake , suggesting that the ClO efflux was not produced secondarily by a Na + -dependent anion carrier like the Na + /HCO co-transporter. d-f , Data from cells filled with ClO. d , Uptake currents at -43mV ( top ) and extracellular ClO accumulation ( bottom ) evoked by 30μM L-Glu , D-Asp , NMDA , kainate ( KA ) and quisqualate ( QUIS ) ( data typical of 5 cells ) .
19 The interaction between CP 96345 and His197 is specific because the binding affinity for the perhydroisoindole antagonist RP67580 ( ref. 14 ) was not affected by the H197A mutation ( Table 1 ) .
20 It was not affected by the surrender of part of the premises , however large , although it would be terminated by a surrender of the whole , as then the term would have come to an end .
21 But , it was held , the plaintiff was not affected by the undue influence .
22 It was held by the Court of Appeal that the bank was not affected by the improprieties committed towards the defendants by the director and solicitors of S. Ltd. , and that the charge was enforceable .
23 When we grouped the sectors approximately into local government districts and then ranked them on density of oil workers , this ranking coincided with that based on data for offshore workers in the 1981 census , suggesting that our data was not affected by geographic bias .
24 The use of collectors did not cure the BDDA 's shortage of funds , but the Association 's effectiveness in dealing with specific problems confronting the deaf community was not affected by its financial anxieties .
25 Nobody was injured and production was not affected by the incident .
26 For experimental subjects tested after retention intervals ranging from 2 hours to 1 month memory was surprisingly accurate and was not affected by retention interval unless other parking episodes were iterpolated .
27 Muscle relaxation was not affected by tetrodotoxin and therefore unlikely to be mediated by neural elements .
28 Sulphate reducing bacteria were never detected , and methane excretion was not affected by sulphate feeding .
29 The rate of gall bladder disease was not affected by age ( Table I ) .
30 For these countries , the scale of expansion was not affected by the dollar crisis ( although the form may have been — the ‘ automatic ’ nature of the monetary expansion generated by dollar inflows may have bred a more monetary , and less fiscal , policy mixture than would otherwise have been adopted , and thus contributed to the easy money regime ) .
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