Example sentences of "was [not/n't] [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 The building was not built in ninety one , whether there 's any relevance or not , where they 're trying to prove that the building has been up for some time , they 'd say , it 's not , that building was put up this year .
2 This is a most regrettable incident , but I can not accept a charge that the Army did not take the allegations seriously and that the full and thorough investigation was not conducted in anything but a professional and sympathetic manner .
3 The colon was not assessed in nine patients in whom the diagnosis of malignant disease elsewhere had been obtained by other tests .
4 The text reported by La Stampa , however , was not couched in such inhumane terms .
5 If Hughes was relevant to the decision in Foakes it must follow that Pinnel 's Case was equally relevant to the decision in Hughes but it was not cited in the latter case and it would surely have been very surprising it if had been .
6 Although this case was not cited in the Imperial Foods Ltd
7 But this elaborate system of administrative allocation was not applied in practice , because there was not enough foreign exchange to meet all the ‘ socially verified needs ’ .
8 It was not the written disclaimer but the understanding between the buyer and seller which meant that the false trade description was not applied in this case .
9 [ The Finer Report was not debated in parliament until over a year after it was published , and few of its recommendations on housing , law and benefits were implemented .
10 In discussing the single-product case , we found that subadditivity at the relevant output , the necessary and sufficient condition for natural monopoly , was not related in any close way to features of the cost function .
11 Fourth , although subsidiarity was not defined in the Single European Act , it was certainly understood to be a principle which applied .
12 The formation of m 2 G6 in the aminoacyl-stem was not affected in any of the tRNA-variants .
13 Its Charter was unaffected , the range of its subject interests was in any case growing , and the basic nature of its validation relationships with colleges was not affected in the short term by the designation of any of them as polytechnics .
14 He wanted to look at the contract and check it out and really , with no trouble at all — I think he wrote a couple of letters and said that Pitt was not acting in the capacity as manager that David required and that was that . ’
15 Berg also argued that the fact that G was fully informed and not misled by the report was irrelevant , since it was alleged that he was not acting in Berg 's interest so that his knowledge should not be attributed to the company .
16 A person who harassed a neighbour with racist abuse would nevertheless have no defence that he was not acting in public if his words were , ( as he knew ) audible to the person next door .
17 But she was not resting in the hollow , she was floating in it .
18 But crucial differences remain , and it was because the early modern transvestite was not conceptualized in terms of a pathological sexual subjectivity — the modern ‘ homosexual ’ — that her transgression was regarded , albeit with paranoia , as more social than sexual .
19 He must have wondered what the outcome of it all would be , though he was not to remain in doubt for much longer .
20 This , however , did not conclude the matter in the applicants ' favour for they then had to show that the warrant to intercept ( which Taylor J. accepted was issued ) was not granted in accordance with the established criteria .
21 Rather surprisingly , perhaps , this petition was not granted in full .
22 For example , an application for a postponement order was not granted in the Guinness trials in 1990 nor in the Barlow Clowes affair .
23 The United Kingdom pointed out that , if the flag was not granted in accordance with international law , third countries might not recognise the vessel as genuinely bearing the nationality of the flag which it purported to fly , and it referred to the separate opinion of Judge Jessup in Case concerning the Barcelona Traction , Light and Power Co .
24 Curtis was at that time Assistant Colonial Secretary of the Transvaal and he was not motivated in what he did by any particular animus towards Indians .
25 The fraud by International Signal and Control , the American defence company which Ferranti bought two years ago , was not revealed in the audit carried out when Ferranti made the acquisition .
26 Thirty thousand spectators turned up at Lillie Bridge in London to see him run the mile against William Cummings of Paisley and in the return match George 's time of 4 min. 12.75 sec. was not beaten in Britain for forty-nine years .
27 They agreed that he had a discretion under the statute whether or not to do so but said that he was not justified in refusing if the result was to frustrate the policy of the Act of Parliament .
28 Though incapable of grasping the subtleties of indirect administration , Murrells was not wanting in the ambition to control .
29 ( I have included the concluding six words , although the need for them was not explored in argument , since without them the position would be frozen as it was in 1987 , which would be absurd . )
30 Mr Gregg was not injured in the attack .
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