Example sentences of "was [v-ing] at the " in BNC.

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1 Who on earth was thumping at the door like that early in the morning ?
2 Sheila and Mona were writing at side tables ; Michael was kneeling at the big armchair , a book between his elbows , as if in prayer , a position he sometimes used for studying .
3 Malc was kneeling at the altar and a price ticket of 39/11d ( nearly two quid ) decorated the sole of his shoe .
4 Malc was kneeling at the alter and a price ticket of 39/11 decorated the sole of his shoe . ’
5 Poor Damien was kneeling at the entrance to the sanctuary screen , an easy target for someone lurking here with a crossbow . ’
6 Ten minutes later in the gymnasium downstairs Lee reflected that if she threw one of the dumb-bells she was using at the wall-sized mirror and it shattered into a hundred pieces around a central trauma , she would wake herself up and everybody around her and get into the local papers .
7 We passed Cap Bon ( in the distance ) and Pantelleria , the latter at sea level — which was just as well as it was raining at the time , otherwise we might have missed it and also because we were told afterwards that there was an airfield there with Bf110s .
8 It was raining at the time .
9 This aircraft was firing at the Ju88s from astern .
10 Caspar was sniffing at the dead magpie .
11 A wind was gathering at the coast , preparing to sweep across the fields , lean against the few trees and race on over the road , across to the far side of the island .
12 On the way out , a policeman told him about the tragedy that was unfolding at the far end of the ground .
13 He was gazing at the woman with the strange , unblinking stare which meant he was working something out .
14 Suddenly Angela , who was gazing at the red mack her mummy was holding out to her , gave a gasp .
15 While I was gazing at the chamber a schoolgirl who was touring the gallery with her father came up and asked me how it worked .
16 Ruth wondered if she was gazing at the dark whiskers which sprouted on her chin and made her so appropriately , though unfortunately , named .
17 Lacuna was gazing at the screen .
18 Maurin was gazing at the ceiling .
19 So far as I can reconstruct events , I was gazing at the water jug when the exchange started ; I discovered I was smiling when I realized that Anne was watching me ; whereupon I looked at her interrogatively ; she looked at the water jug with a slight frown ; Millie glanced at each of us in turn , then picked up her dessert spoon and studied that instead ; I watched her smiling at the spoon ; which made me start smiling again ; which made Anne start looking at me again ; which … kept us all occupied throughout the main course .
20 Let me just close with some words from Matthew chapter nine in verse ten , he said that it happened that as Jesus was reclining at the table in the house behold many tax gatherers and sinners came and were dining with Jesus and his disciples , and when the Pharisees saw this they said to his disciples , why is your teacher eating with the tax gatherers and sinners ?
21 Mind you , I was pretty out of order at some of his famous parties , out-drinking George Brown and all those Labour ministers that he was courting at the time . ’
22 She felt such a clown , standing before them with that vulgar object between her open legs , but she slowly sank down towards the disgusting dildo and manipulated her thighs until the blunt tip was nudging at the portals of her reluctant orifice .
23 And M was stabbing at the table top with her secateurs and I could see she was white with rage .
24 Cameron wanted time to think ; he was in a turmoil of emotions ; he felt for Sandy 's grievance even while he was blenching at the man 's mad certainty that a day of reckoning was near .
25 The dark hair was greying at the sides , but these days some guys do it with a brush .
26 ‘ Wenner ’ , recalls Marcuson , ‘ was fuming at the bit .
27 Doctor Rossitter came and dressed Susan 's arm , which he said was much better ; and in the afternoon Breeze left her sister safely tucked up and she was knocking at the Vicarage door on the stroke of three .
28 Within seconds one of the porters was knocking at the door to escort us down in case of trouble .
29 Someone was knocking at the door .
30 Then she did get me an appointment with this new clinic that was opening at the hospital , but it was too late .
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