Example sentences of "was [v-ing] [pers pn] to " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Never once , during our association , did they guess that I was using them to further my revenge against the Wolfkings .
2 Yet now he was praising her to the skies .
3 The Fat Controller was helping me to my feet .
4 It was a song Mr Malik sang , and she was singing it to what must , surely , be his words .
5 She told Cathy she would pass on the eggs but would like croissants and coffee , and presently I was bringing them to her as she sat with eyes demurely downwards , studiously ignoring my existence .
6 Eventually she noticed the changing note of the engine as they began to descend , and soon Marc was bringing them to a more sedate pace as he nursed the car over the drawbridge .
7 As he was bringing it to his ear , he remembered that he was in his own apartment , alone .
8 She frequently made use of Coptic craftsmen and one of them , a leather-worker , who had been repairing a handbag she was particularly fond of , was bringing it to her flat with his small son when he was attacked by a gang of youths .
9 I dimly understood that by holding out to me this realm of material essences , available by an act of will alone , The Fat Controller was condemning me to a cosmos of brand names , a metaphysic of motifs , a logic of logos , and an epistemology based on EPOS ( The Electronic Point of Sale method of inventory-keeping , which was just coming into use at this time among major retailers ) .
10 It was this nagging feeling that was driving me to Kano and had increased my daily average to 19.6 miles .
11 He said to me once , when he was driving me to school , that there was nothing left to believe in these days .
12 Helen was driving her to suicide , I could see that .
13 MUM-TO-BE Lynne Adams , 36 , gave birth to a girl on the M5 yesterday as husband Phil was driving her to hospital in Taunton , Somerset .
14 His constant invasion of her privacy was driving her to distraction .
15 The best man was driving them to the airport for their flight to Greece , and Ellie made sure she was right in the middle of the crowd as they all surged down the front path to wish them bon voyage .
16 It was a crisp Saturday morning in February , and the young man had picked her up from her flat and was driving them to a motor-racing track in the heart of Surrey .
17 No you we , you was relating it to power in this country to any country and saying
18 She finished eating , hoping she could elude Roman and get to Dana 's hotel without him , but as soon as she put her cup down he was urging her to her feet .
19 This would take some courage but something inside her was urging her to be honest .
20 As late as the summer of 1939 Sir Stafford Cripps , expelled from the Labour Party and hardly a natural Baldwin man , was urging him to be a brick in a wall of anti-appeasement national unity .
21 He was transporting her to another world , and she responded to him with uninhibited abandon .
22 He was selling Gary Druer from Travel Enterprise rooms at rock-bottom rates , and Gary was retailing them to the client for top whack , trading on our reputation .
23 Her eyes fell irresistibly to the firm , broad chest , the gleam of hard , taut muscle and then he was pulling her to him , kissing her mouth , her neck , the base of her throat , finding the clasp of her bra , discarding it , so that her breasts hung heavy and exposed , aching with longing and desire .
24 His ulcer had finally blown up and the doctor was rushing him to hospital .
25 At once he was contrite , and in seconds he was hurrying her to his car .
26 In his way — at times — he was directing us to his distance from the script , the movie , the work — ‘ Look !
27 He was leading her to the edge of the dance-floor .
28 For several days , maybe up to a week before that , whatever I was doing it was leading him to that decision .
29 He said he was growing it to me .
30 He was forcing her to be careful of what she said ; setting up areas which were not to be talked about .
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