Example sentences of "was [v-ing] [pers pn] for " in BNC.

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1 She trusted him , for her own part , without reserve or doubt ; but she was trusting him for those who crossed the river and took the risks .
2 The boyish expression transformed the hard planes of his face and she stared at him as if she was seeing him for the first time .
3 Since then , I had managed to film them on their wintering grounds in India , but now I was seeing them for the first time at the other end of the journey .
4 He gave her a long , slow look as if he was seeing her for the first time .
5 I had no idea she was using me for a purpose of her own : I was too naive to realise until it dawned on me what it was , a few weeks later .
6 The order was for the production of material relating to the purchase by a client , Mrs G , of certain real property , the allegation being that she was a member of the family of another person who was suspected of being a drug trafficker and who was using her for the purpose of laundering the proceeds of such trafficking .
7 Who do you imagine it was using you for target practice this afternoon ? ’
8 I had the uncanny feeling that the ghost of Sigmund Freud was chiding me for thinking this and she was clearly incensed that I could suggest that her father could have had any interest in religion whatsoever .
9 He said that he believed he had lawful authority to ride the bike because he was repairing it for a friend .
10 ‘ She was representing him for his life . ’
11 When it disappeared from the catalogue and by chance I was offered a knighthood , I always said that the Queen , coming as she does from an angling family , was compensating me for having had my name taken out of Hardy 's catalogue .
12 She was pressing it for dear life now as if she was in a panic , and she kept her finger on it until , through the glass door , she saw the flicker of a candle weaving its way down through the shop .
13 I was keeping it for cleaning the car .
14 Barbara Newington from Connecticut remembered shaking hands effusively with Reagan at the beginning and end of her audience , and each of them saying thank you to the other ; but precisely what she was thanking him for , and what he was thanking her for , neither said .
15 Barbara Newington from Connecticut remembered shaking hands effusively with Reagan at the beginning and end of her audience , and each of them saying thank you to the other ; but precisely what she was thanking him for , and what he was thanking her for , neither said .
16 ‘ Well — I was thanking Him for you .
17 ‘ Perhaps she was saving it for you . ’
18 Mrs Verity 's expenditure turned out to be far more than she guessed and their decisions were also affected because the bank was overcharging them for a time .
19 I mean I w when I was dropping dead with exhaustion one evening I said to him look Tony , the there 's I 've cooked a chicken , there 's a big chicken cooling on the table and there there were red sauce , potatoes , gravy , I said , stick the lot on a plate a micro and , you know , film it over , microwave it oh well I sha n't bother to eat anything now of course he was paying me for his food
20 The subsequent chronology of the licences , as well as the varying charges for them , reveal that the king was granting them for political and financial ends , to make friends and raise cash , particularly from the late 1290s when he desperately needed both .
21 Her tail burned like a furnace ; and yet she was presenting it for more torment .
22 and so this guy was selling it for forty , Vicky ordered her canoe there and he was quite a young man and so alright she said hi big boy how about letting me have it for thirty five if you 're willing to ha are you willing to haggle I mean my friend did buy a whole canoe he sort of
23 Antoinette was being a pest , as usual , and Tante Héloise was scolding me for not wanting to play with her . ’
24 No one would have guessed she was wearing it for any other reason .
25 ‘ I thought Oliver was getting them for Rosie . ’
26 Neil Williams ( see the September issue ) was flying it for him and , the initial tests complete and the aeroplane signed off by Mike Searle , Spencer was ready for his first sortie .
27 She wondered whether Bryony was offended ; perhaps she thought Carolyn was criticizing them for not keeping it cleaner .
28 He was teaching us for er physics and er
29 Can you not see what erm er this woman fainted into my arms and she was embracing me for letting her not take her fall .
30 Although he believed thoroughly in the ability of these products to fill out the tiny character lines around the eyes and mouth , and to smooth his neck , he did not want to admit he was buying them for himself .
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