Example sentences of "was [v-ing] [prep] [subord] " in BNC.

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1 My heart was thumping as if I had run a race and there was a pain in my back .
2 My two realities were getting this thing done technically to technical excellence , which I was struggling with as I did n't know my stuff so well then , and also , managing to get a good performance out of David .
3 Kopyion was kneeling as if in prayer .
4 Now , for reasons she still could n't fully fathom , she was lifting curtains to reveal all to a man who was , in truth , little more than a stranger — and he was reacting as if he were a long-lost brother .
5 Sue sat quietly and smiled while this was happening as if she had nothing to do with the incident .
6 The Indians were supposed to look on at what was happening as if these two white men in skirts were barmy .
7 At the end of one hour her back was aching as if it had been kicked all over by a mule ; but she went on doggedly , though it soon became absolute agony .
8 Nicolo had flung his head back ; he was laughing as if she had just told the world 's funniest joke .
9 I was living as if dependent upon his need of me .
10 And this year 's general trade was looking as if it might not equal last year 's , until Monday 21st December , when , with many companies and all the schools having closed , panic buying on an old-fashioned scale happened , ’ reported John Lauder .
11 Hannah Dooley was looking as if she might do something usefully hysterical at any moment .
12 looking at me as if hey erm and all this like you know she was looking as if
13 Thinking about the past , helping to build a cupboard , playing in the village band or photographing the bootmaker and the carpenter , Mr Spender seems contented and within the Tuscany he was looking for when he was , as he says , tired of the ‘ thin blue light of London ’ .
14 YOU have to wonder what the Bush administration was looking for when it set out , in early 1989 , to find a new chairman for the National Endowment for the Arts .
15 Corbett took his seat , trying to ignore de Craon who was grinning as if he had suddenly found something amusing .
16 He 'd been a bit scared of her before , but he was even more so now she was acting as if she was n't right in the head .
17 But Patrick was acting as if he lived her kind of life , which indeed he had once .
18 Athelstan could have sworn he was acting as if there was someone else there .
19 She had tried to help Carolyn , and now the bloody girl was acting as if Clare was a bossy teacher .
20 Yes , well , I mean I 'm very happy to be able to agree totally with that erm , people who make the laws are n't the people who suffer from the the physical , and matters might be a great deal better if erm , they paid a bit more attention , I do hope that he would agree however , erm , that police officers who are female also have a good effect on the streets , because he was acting as if erm , it was only the male person who were any use , and I 'm sure that is not so .
21 He was acting as if they had a settled relationship , but they had n't .
22 Lessing 's close-set eyes followed him , and Nathan Holland who was hurrying after lest Paul slip on the stairs .
23 It was always better to know what was going on than to lie in bed with the door shut and wonder what was happening .
24 Suddenly , and perhaps for the first time , Shirley Brown felt a twinge of affection for the lonely little woman who seemed far more aware of what was going on than any of them .
25 Yeah and bus stopped and I said it was going to cos we
26 Now he might remember I think the court come just before the after Nicola , and the car was going to because I know we had to go on the train to Liverpool and er , I 'd got ta give evidence as well , they made such a palaver !
27 Melanie knew what she was waiting for although she had not told her .
28 He was speaking as if Gentle would agree to the rendezvous , which , though he had n't said so yet , he would .
29 Her legacy from the hot three-month affair is fame — the very prize she was striving for before she played bedroom games with the Minister for Fun .
30 but I ai n't had chance to say to you , but I was saying to cos when I called in and see you think about it he
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