Example sentences of "was [adv] seen [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The changing prevalence of antral and cardia tumours was mostly seen in 45–64 year old men ( data not shown ) .
2 Kim was eventually seen by a psychiatrist and the latter told the parents she was going through a phase of sibling rivalry which she would eventually grow out of .
3 At the top she was luckily seen by the farmer , who came striding to meet her , letting out an exclamation as he saw that the object in her arms was one of his lambs .
4 This took place amid rumours of a split within the NEC over support for a common age of consent , and was widely seen as a response to tabloid hysteria on such matters .
5 The act was widely seen as a direct challenge to local representational democracy , and revealed much about the capacity of labourism to respond to perceived threats to its authority .
6 When , a few weeks later , Labour overturned a large Tory majority in a by-election at East Fulham , this was widely seen as evidence of the popularity of pacifism — despite the fact that Labour 's candidate , John Wilmot , had been more concerned to appeal to Liberal supporters of the League than to whatever sentiment may have existed in Fulham in favour of war resistance .
7 As Spaniards came face to face with their country 's impotence , backwardness and inescapably second-class status , there arose a confused chorus of demands for the ‘ regeneration ’ of what was widely seen as a ‘ decadent ’ nation .
8 In May 1870 St Petersburg cotton spinners staged what was widely seen as Russia 's first fully fledged strike : within days a report was on the desk of the Tsar himself .
9 In fact , the action was widely seen as an attempt by George Bush 's close pal , President Turgut Ozal , to prove himself more militantly anti-Kurd than his chief rival , Suleyman Demirel , in the run-up to the October 20th general election .
10 The move followed the failure of " Operation Footloose " , an Army offensive launched in January 1990 , and was widely seen as an acceptance by the government that the escalating conflict could not be resolved by military means .
11 Subsequently , Matiba 's wife and daughter were attacked on June 14 at their home in what was widely seen as an attempt to intimidate
12 The reshuffle was widely seen as an attempt to deflect allegations of corruption .
13 In what was widely seen as an attempt to give its efforts to improve relations with other countries greater domestic and international credibility , the Albanian government hosted a visit to Tirana by the Secretary-General of the United Nations , Javier Pérez de Cuéllar , on May 11-13 , when held talks with Alia and other senior officials and also visited other parts of the country .
14 The vote was widely seen as a referendum on the LDP 's controversial UN Peace Co-operation Bill , which was withdrawn three days later .
15 Syria 's anti-Iraqi stance in the Gulf crisis [ see pp. 37694 ; 37636-37 ] was widely seen as a major factor influencing the UK decision to resume relations .
16 In what was widely seen as a veiled attack on the French government , the Moroccan authorities blamed the disturbances on " a conspiracy of foreign countries " .
17 The arrest was widely seen as the response of Prime Minister Datuk Seri Mahathir Mohamed to the PBS 's defection from the ruling coalition before the October 1990 elections [ see pp. 37780-81 ] ; the PBS had won a comfortable majority in the Sabah Assembly [ see p. 37612 ] .
18 The decision was widely seen as an attempt to support the Sri Lankan government in its war against Tamil guerrillas , and was announced as Foreign Minister Shukla completed a three-day visit to Sri Lanka .
19 In what was widely seen as an attempt to draw Israel into the conflict , Iraq had launched a number of missile attacks on Tel Aviv and Haifa [ see pp. 37936-37 ; 37984 ] .
20 This was widely seen as the most positive statement by a senior Chinese official on the territory 's future since 1989 .
21 The imminent release of the " Birmingham Six " was widely seen as a foregone conclusion after Sir Allan Green , the Director of Public Prosecutions , said at a preliminary hearing of the appeal on Feb. 7 that the Crown no longer sought to uphold the convictions on the basis of the scientific evidence .
22 The meeting was widely seen as an opportunity for both sides to stress the importance of the US-Japanese partnership , which had been under strain following the Gulf war .
23 This provoked a public outcry [ see p. 37913 ] and was widely seen as evidence of his autocratic style of government , already reflected in his combining the presidency with the chairmanship of the ruling Peronist party [ see p. 37651 ] .
24 The vote was widely seen as a test of voters ' attitude to greater integration into western Europe .
25 Hailed by Sir David Wilson , the Governor of Hong Kong , as " a good agreement for Hong Kong " , the memorandum was widely seen as the UK acceding to China 's demands for a greater say in Hong Kong 's affairs , although Sir David claimed that it would not give China a veto over the Hong Kong government .
26 Akayev was widely seen as a democrat and as eager to develop contacts with capitalist countries .
27 The memorandum was widely seen as a victory for the Chinese side in the negotiations , with the UK effectively agreeing to Chinese demands that it should be able to set its own terms for the size and financing of the project .
28 In what was widely seen as an attempt to exact vengeance on Clinton , Nichols had issued a federal lawsuit which claimed that the Governor had had extra-marital affairs with at least five women , and that he had misused official funds in entertaining them .
29 The leadership change was widely seen as an attempt to rejuvenate the party , whose fortunes had been at their lowest since it first came to power in 1981 .
30 The move was widely seen as part of the Socialist Party 's strategy for the regional elections in March to counter the growing popularity of far-right views .
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