Example sentences of "was [adv] at [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 But from 1564 until 1585 England was mostly at peace with her neighbours , even if that peace was sometimes fragile .
2 We felt a little like prisoners and missed our privacy and independence ; my mother was the most aware of this feeling as she was the one who was most at home .
3 There was , presumably , a sound evolutionary reason for the fact that no one had yet designed a lavatory in which the occupant faced away from the door , some relic of the time when primitive man was most at risk when at stool , but it did mean that the lavatory user was finely tuned to the approach of strangers .
4 The group of the population which was most at risk was young children drinking locally produced milk .
5 The characteristic Christian theme was most at variance with pagan assumptions in that bishops asked husbands to be as faithful to their wives as they expected their wives to be to them .
6 It was a moment to be savoured , when danger was past and I was wholly at peace .
7 Social cohesion was thereby at risk .
8 She was rarely at school , kept away constantly by a variety of excuses dreamed up by her father and brothers who all decided that an education was of less use to Ellie than a clean and tidy home was to them .
9 Slight of build and exceptionally agile in body and mind , he was rarely at rest .
10 They kept him going through the night but his editorial judgment was rarely at fault .
11 Maybe the conversation had something to do with it , for Eva had no intention of letting her interests deteriorate however far out in the bush they might be , and she was rarely at loss for an anecdote or conversation starter .
12 Young doctors were usually only too willing to take advice , but every now and again you got one like this lad , who clearly was all at sea and did n't know how to light the flares !
13 Only two matches were played and the Swedish second seed was all at sea in the 32-minute opening set , losing his service three times in five attempts .
14 The torment , to begin with , was all at home .
15 What life he saw , was all at street level ; dawn risers moving stiffly , holding carry-out coffees from early-morning takeaways with the delicacy of rare isotopes .
16 Secretion in both the basal and stimulated states was less at day 7 than at day 3 , an inverse trend to that seen for acid secretion , where basal but not stimulated levels were higher at day 7 ( Fig 3 ) .
17 With the spiritual , she was less at ease .
18 Souness was at his most ludicrous after Saturday 's 5-1 defeat at Coventry , claiming that the referee was entirely at fault and that his team was the one that deserved to score five .
19 Karen Silk , defending , said : ‘ He was only at work because he had been asked to do an extra shift .
20 It was only at night , alone in bed , with the whirr of the ceiling fan to keep her company , that the memory of her crass stupidity swept back .
21 She was a cantankersome woman , but she was literally at death 's door .
22 The energetic Mungo Graeme of Gorthie was soon at work among the commissioners of supply , trying to prevent any difference among them over the collectorship , and succeeded , through the mediation of Robert Graham of Killearn , in persuading Buchanan of Aucheneen to make no opposition to Michael Elphinstone 's re-election .
23 An explanation was soon at hand when it was revealed the ‘ etchings ’ were carved by none other than Ladakhi road-builders , employed on the path in 1982 .
24 On the downhill side the barn was thus at first-floor level with the cow-house , stable or cart-shed lying underneath .
25 Instead , she was utterly at leisure to give unstintingly to friends and foes , colleagues and passing tramps .
26 They could sometimes persuade those allies to attack or threaten people closer to home with whom the family was prescriptively at peace , actually in direct and continual competition ( Peters , 1967 ) .
27 After he had separated from her mother and when she was away at boarding-school , he would drive down to visit her , often accompanied by some rather mature page-boy in jeans or a mini-skirt and Molly would sit with them in silence at an endless tea in the local Trusthouse Forte .
28 Her father was away at work .
29 while I was away at Art School .
30 But the woman is also trying to sell a dozen letters and postcards which , she claims , Andrew sent her when he was away at sea .
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