Example sentences of "was [adv] [adv] [det] " in BNC.

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1 It was bad enough he himself trying to turn into an amateur psychiatrist or psychotherapist or whatever they liked to call themselves , but to have some strange layman taking an interest in his wife , or his wife 's case , was altogether too much .
2 It was altogether too much .
3 There was no doubt that Grunte was altogether too much of a bad thing , but it was not the Party Chairman 's task to get rid of him .
4 Out of the corner of his eye , because up here there was altogether too much outside to look at , Dorcas saw flashing lights on the main road , far away .
5 With a feeling of despair she knew there was altogether too much about him that attracted her , that made her want to respond .
6 But it was so very much more than a great show .
7 One did not behave like that in a public place with a young man , suitable or otherwise , and John was so very much otherwise .
8 What she did not know was that it was not so much that the work was difficult , but that there was so very much of it , and all tiring .
9 But yeah , I mean , there was so so many inconsistencies on , on the Irish witness side , you know , like what , what matey said I was , I was running out and all of a sudden I felt a pain from here on those fuck it , he 's up there , got big forearms , and big sort of muscle that size , that 's really wasted this side even after twenty years , it must of about and apparently one matey got shot in the back running away , oh no five out of the thirteen got shot in the back , which again does n't fucking mean any thing , you know that 's , but I said if there 's I R A supporters there and that , you telling me you seen where your comrades have fucking get shot , you 're not , you 're not gon na try and pick up his weapon and stuff I mean like , it was just a perfect opportunity to , to get one over on the British Forces and I , I said I do n't think yet the para 's were entirely blameless , but then again I do n't think they ever have been in any of their fucking
10 And perhaps they were hoping for an innocence that was long past both of them …
11 ‘ 'E was all right this evenin' when I bought the paper off 'im . ’
12 Whatever he had expected her to say , it was obviously not that .
13 First , government was obviously very much royal government , although the King was helped in making decisions by the Council .
14 In the first place Braque had detached himself from visual appearances to a much greater extent than Cézanne , who while he was obviously very much aware ( if only instinctively ) of the purely formal or abstract side of painting , relied nevertheless , in his still lifes and landscapes , on an exhaustive study of the ‘ motif ’ as his point of departure , although it is worth mentioning that in his articles Emile Bernard had suggested that Cézanne 's vision ‘ was much more in his brain than in his eye ’ .
15 The protest in Tianjin was perhaps yet another indication of things to come over two years later when respect for the Party had declined still further and Deng Xiaoping had little support left among young intellectuals .
16 They thought it was perhaps just that .
17 This is all the more unrealistic in light of the fact that the judgment here was only theoretically that of the police officer ‘ on the spot ’ .
18 The index of the city 's wealth is its contribution of £1,704 to the subsidy , which , although far ahead of that of any other provincial town , was only slightly more than a tenth of London 's £16675 .
19 Stunned by a Thameside painting by Whistler , it was only later that Strayhorn discovered it was actually a view of Battersea Bridge that he 'd admired !
20 During another epoch , the polar ice-cap expanded and covered a large part of the northern hemisphere , and it was only when that receded about 12,000 years ago that what was left of the Thulean Province reappeared from beneath the ice as the island we now call Iceland .
21 It was only when some axolotls in captivity in the Jardin des Plantes in Paris bred , and their young lost their gills , becoming the well-known tiger salamander , that their secret was revealed .
22 It was only when this war was settled , and England embarked on a period of forty years of almost unbroken peace , that settlement began in North America and in the West Indies , and that trade with India became regular and organized enough for the English to set up trading posts there .
23 However , in its first two terms the Conservative government was more interested in the sale of council houses , and it was only when this policy was fully established that they could turn their whole attention to the rented sector .
24 In a similar way we can use the die figures for the early imperial bronze coinages minted at Corinth to calculate that the total value coined over a century was only about half a million denarii , or less than 5000 per year .
25 His carving knife was only about half an inch wide at the centre where constant sharpening had worn it away .
26 ‘ It was only about half past twelve .
27 However , prizegiving was only about half an hour later than planned and we set off for home at a reasonable hour .
28 But their bid has been knocked back by the Government which claimed their independent valuation was only about half the real value .
29 And er but it was only about half past five I did n't I never stopped till the I just kept going now tha well about half past four , I started to pack up and I realized my sandwiches were still in my snack box so I I 'd I 'd had one one earlier on whilst I was still working but yes the lady there she made us a couple of cups in the morning , er cu cup of coffee , I think about what yeah about half ten time but the time I painted a little bit and I thought oh I 'll stop and have a fag , with my coffee and I had a cup of tea later on in the afternoon but er I did n't stop , I kept going , you know and then course by time I got to my drink , it was cold it was cool , so you drink it straight down
30 Yeah , but it was only about half three the week before .
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