Example sentences of "was [prep] [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The usual pattern was for all to congregate in Minton 's studio where he might cook a large risotto after which they went to a film .
2 The only way to remove the Government was for Labour to win the next general election .
3 There was , however , meant to be a distinction between the subjects taken by senior students , aged between 16 and 18 , and those taken by juniors aged between 14 and 16 , just as there was between those employed in skilled trades and those who were in unskilled occupations .
4 It was through these benefit or friendly societies that working people began collectively to provide insurance against the loss of income through unemployment , and to ensure that each should have a respectable funeral .
5 I was about ready to leave when somebody leaned on the doorbell .
6 But he adapts , not without pain ; and even the most romantic heroine learns to accept , like the heroine of Anita Brookner 's Providence ( 1982 ) , that her lover was after all bound in the end to prefer another .
7 Yet the Commonwealth was after all invented at a time when the British were more than ever enamoured of their capacity for effecting the bloodless obedience of subject peoples .
8 Survivals include the Cambrian Coast , radio signalled in 1988 , where Barmouth viaduct was after all repaired , the Central Wales where a decision was taken to rebuild the bridge which collapsed while a train was crossing it in high flood , and the Settle & Carlisle where the government perhaps surprisingly refused closure .
9 One self-described Heathite Tory said that the message from the doorsteps was of profound disillusion with Mrs Thatcher .
10 Lady Augusta xenophobically added : ‘ … a sort of national prejudice made me attribute the grace and dignity of the scene , for what there was of either came from her , to the blood of Kirkpatrick ! ! ! ’ , a reference to Eugénie 's Scottish grandfather
11 When the opposition took to arms to break the king 's affinity , Fordham was amongst those banished from court .
12 It was unlike any kiss that she could remember him giving her before .
13 Reports said that a Japanese- and Canadian-backed proposal to establish a G-7 working group to follow up the implementation of the latest arms control proposals was opposed by France which was against any move to grant the G-7 a permanent institutional role .
14 erm I doubt if it really was like that come on !
15 It was like some scratched old movie running at half-speed , a bizarre dream sequence .
16 It was v. pleasant meeting such nice people .
17 So it was with some hope that I travelled to Scotland .
18 You know cos the woman I was with wanted to go for a swim and I said no you ca n't this guy , so I went up to him , I said what , what on earth are you fishing for ?
19 In the long wake of a critical career that had begun in the 1930s avowedly in imitation of Richards and Empson and which ended with his death at the age of 83 , his final achievement of style was above all to create , for a time , a compelling image of himself .
20 In learning exactly what they do , as well as what they think and feel , we get to know the two young men who affirm , for him , the indestructible spirit of man ( which , to Masefield , was above all symbolised by Troy as he saw it ) .
21 But his animosity was above all directed against Prince Alexander .
22 The United States was above all to blame .
23 Hitherto a semi-independent region of western China ruled by a Dalai Lama , the head of Tibet 's Buddhist clergy and thus its spiritual leader , Tibet was in 1950 occupied by the Chinese communist People 's Liberation Army ( PLA ) .
24 Hitherto a semi-independent region of western China ruled by the Dalai Lama , the head of Tibet 's Buddhist clergy and its spiritual leader , Tibet was in 1950 occupied by the communist Chinese People 's Liberation Army ( PLA ) .
25 The Mount of Olives was in that allowed area .
26 The cost of one SPS according to the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration was in 1979 put at $25 billion while $30 billion would be required to set up the project .
27 Capricorn 's choice of venue in Ohio was in all respect appropriate .
28 Thus Hartburn vicarage which in 1284 , during a vacancy of Durhanl bishopric , had been regarded as spiritual and left alone by Edward I , was in 1311 declared temporal and claimed by Edward II .
29 Orchomenos was the only state in Boiotia other than Thebes which had any natural claim to rule all Boiotia ; Tanagra 's brief attempt was possible only in an unusual period when Thebes after her medism was in temporary discredit .
30 After the Restoration Garway was in 1661 returned to Parliament for Chichester , and quickly became one of its most assiduous members .
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